by Anne R. Allen Social media etiquette? Does such a thing even exist anymore? When on any given day your eyeballs can be hit with posts glorifying genocide, disinformation, and alpha-thug rapists and traffickers? The answer is yes. Even though social media feels more and more like an airplane headed for a large mountain, […]
How To Write, Market, And Be Mentally Healthy by @BadRedheadMedia
Part of living in the now, right now, is being on all the time. Constant notifications about news, meetings, phone calls, texts, emails, gaming (if you’re into that), and of course, social media. I’m exhausted just thinking about it. Watching my 21-year-old daughter checking her Apple Watch gives me hives, yet she loves it. Maybe […]
Don’t Become a Social Media Ghost: Appoint a Social Media Executor.
A social media executor will keep you from becoming a social media ghost. by Anne R. Allen We’re living through a time when we’re forced to face something our culture prefers to ignore: our own mortality. We’re discovering, to paraphrase Emily Dickinson, that although we do not stop for death, it kindly stops for us. […]
Authors, Don’t Run From Social Media: 10 Tips to use it Efficiently and Avoid the “Cesspool.”
by Anne R. Allen A lot of writers are talking about quitting Twitter and Facebook (and FB’s subsidiary, Instagram) because social media has become a “cesspool.” I hear you. Politicians, celebrities, and their mindless minions use social media to trash-talk and stir up negativity and chaos. Plus scammers and sadistic trolls lie in wait to […]
Your Online Presence: 10 Mistakes for Authors to Avoid
by Anne R. Allen These days, an author’s online presence is of vital importance to a career, whether we’re published or planning to publish. Whether we’re indie, hybrid, or trad-pubbed, it’s not only essential to be easy to find online, but we need to keep a professional presence and guard our author brand and reputation. […]
Marketing Your Book on Social Media? How to Avoid Scams
by Chris Syme Self-publishing and social media have empowered writers in ways we never dreamed of a decade ago. They’ve also forced us to learn a lot of stuff we never used to have to bother our artistic little heads about. These days, whether you’re trad-pubbed or indie, the rise of social media has put […]
Frazzled, Overwhelmed, Swamped? A Writer’s Guide to Mental Health
by Ruth Harris You’re swamped and there are alligators in that swamp. They have sharp teeth and they bite. Their names are Stress, Clutter, Distraction, Disorganization, and Interruption. You’ve got a book to write, a cover to create, tweets to tweet, promos to set up, blurbs to polish, and pins to Pin. There’s metadata, […]
How NOT to Self-Publish: 12 Things for New Indies to Avoid
by Anne R. Allen Self-publishing has lost its stigma, and it’s the publishing path of choice for a lot of writers these days. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Or that everybody who self-publishes will succeed. Unfortunately, I’m seeing a lot of writers dive in head first without having a clue what they’re doing. Even long-time […]
Top 10 Questions from New Writers: Answers to Your Most Burning Questions
by Anne R. Allen We welcome questions from readers, and we always try to offer an answer or at least steer you to a place where you can find one. A good place to get more detailed information is a book I co-wrote with Catherine Ryan Hyde: How to be a Writer in the E-Age…and […]
12 Social Media Mistakes for Authors to Avoid
by Anne R. Allen Are you “building platform” or just annoying people? This week, author Mary W. Walters blogged that promoting your books on Facebook and Twitter is a total waste of time for book sales. That’s because Social Media is not for selling books. It’s for making friends—friends we hope will help us in our […]
5 Blogging Rules Authors Can Ignore…and 5 You Can’t
by Anne R. Allen Do all aspiring authors need to blog? The answer used to be: Only the ones who want to get published. Now, agents and publishers are letting up on the requirement. Recently, agent Rachelle Gardner changed her stance on blogs.“A few years ago, the standard wisdom was that authors, both fiction […]
Social Media Overload: How Do Authors Reach READERS? Advice from Bestselling Romance Author Roni Loren
by Roni Loren If there is one question that all writers would love to have a definitive answer to, it’d be: How do I reach my current readers and attract new readers? For many of us, the most practical place is online. We don’t have the funds to fly around the country for […]
Writers, Are You Running as Fast as You Can to Stay in the Same Place?
by Anne R. Allen This week I finished the first draft of my fourth Camilla Randall mystery, NO PLACE LIKE HOME, and sent it off to my editor. What a relief! All my books are comedies, but they have a darker subtext, and this one, dealing with homelessness here in San Luis Obispo, CA— […]