by Penny Sansevieri Amazon ads are a very popular go-to for the majority of authors and we know it’s a big revenue driver for Amazon. But do Amazon ads make money for authors? In some cases, yes, but sadly the majority of authors aren’t using the platform in a way that benefits them. And […]
How Authors Can Create a Reader Connection
Make a solid reader connection and they’ll spread the word about your books *** I’d like to thank Penny Sansevieri for stepping in this week, while I have spent some exciting time in the hospital having fun medical adventures. It turns out what I have is “just” sciatica, a fiendishly painful thing that happens to […]
Beast Your Amazon Bio and Sell More Books
How’s Your Amazon Bio? Can it sell books by the truckload? Today’s guest post is an excerpt from How to Sell Books by the Truckload on Amazon: 2021 Amazon Ads Powerhouse Edition by Penny Sansevieri, Founder and CEO of Author Marketing Experts, a cutting edge book marketing firm. By Penny Sansevieri Since I first published […]
Finding and Using Competing Book Titles in Your Book Marketing
Competing book titles can help sell your book! By Penny Sansevieri As an author you’ve probably been told to look at competing titles through multiple stages of your journey from writing, to publishing, to book promotion. Competing book titles can be lucrative references for cover design, book length, and choosing your categories and keywords. They’re […]
When You Step in Dogma, Scrape it off Your Shoe: Writers, Ignore Dogmatic Marketing Advice!
by Anne R. Allen The most dangerous concept in the universe is probably, “there is only one right way.” People who insist there is only one right way to live, think, behave, or believe are responsible for most of the world’s conflict and suffering. Merriam-Webster defines dogma as “a belief or set of beliefs […]
Disappearing Amazon Reviews: The Facts Behind Amazon’s Review Purges
by Anne R. Allen So what’s this about missing reviews? Go to any author forum or social media group for writers and you’ll see the plaintive posts: “Help! My Amazon reviews are disappearing.” “Amazon rejected my review because they say I ‘know’ the author. I don’t. All I did was friend her on Facebook!” “Amazon […]
5 Delusions That Block Writers from Professional Success
by Anne R. Allen We writers tend to get a tad delusional about our own work. Most of us know the average writer doesn’t make great money, but we secretly believe our own efforts will bring us fabulous fame and fortune. When we start out, we can’t help visualizing our books leapfrogging over all the […]
Why Novellas are Hot and How to Write One: a Step by Step Guide
We’re so jazzed! Our blog has been nominated by Indies Unlimited for “Best Resource for Indies”—one of just 7 blogs—along with the fantastic Kristen Lamb, Joel Friedlander “The Book Designer”, The Passive Voice, The Creative Penn, David Gaughran’s “Let’s Get Digital”, and The Indie View. It’s so amazing for a slow, once-a-week blog to be nominated […]