A social media executor can keep you from haunting the Internet forever by Anne R. Allen One of my blogger friends died last week. Ann Calhoun was a regular commenter here from the beginning and often gave me suggestions for blog topics (she commented as “Churadogs”.) Her own blog, Calhoun’s Cannons, grew out of a local newspaper […]
14 Dos and Don’ts for Author-Bloggers
by Anne R. Allen Everybody keeps telling authors we should blog. But for a lot of new authors, the challenge of a blog is daunting. How can we write our books if we’re spending every day blogging? You can’t. And you shouldn’t. If you think you have to blog every day, or even every […]
Are You Ignoring This Simple Platform-Building Tool? How to Comment on a Blog
by Anne R. Allen Platform. It’s a scary word to a lot of authors. Some of us obsess too much about it and waste time on pointless overkill. (More about how to skip the time-wasting stuff in my post, 7 Ways Authors Waste Time Building Platform.) But others ignore it entirely, but that’s not smart. The […]
Social Media Secrets Part II: How to Blog your Way out of the Slush Pile and onto the Bestseller List
by Anne R. Allen “Blogging doesn’t sell books.” “Don’t waste your time blogging.” “Spend more time on Facebook/Pinterest/Tumblr/Twitter/YouTube/ Goodreads/Soliciting reviews/Spamming your friends with newsletters.” You’re hearing this stuff every day. But in a survey published this week, 63% of readers said they discover books most often on author websites (a blog is a website.) Facebook nearly […]
How to Blog Part V: 12 Dos and Don’ts for Author-Bloggers
by Anne R. Allen This is the 200th post on this blog. Since I started it on Friday the 13th in March of 2009, I’ve learned an awful lot. (The first thing I learned was that you have to actually post stuff. My second post wasn’t until late June.) Another thing I’ve learned is […]
HOW NOT TO BLOG: Beginning Blogging for Authors Part II
by Anne R. Allen This is a continuation of last week’s post “HOW TO BLOG.” It’s aimed at authors who are trying to build platform. If you’re only blogging for yourself and your cat, skip this—you and Pufferball can go watch that Hallie Berry DVD again. I’ll also repeat what I said last week: This […]