by Anne R. Allen A lot of writers are talking about quitting Twitter and Facebook (and FB’s subsidiary, Instagram) because social media has become a “cesspool.” I hear you. Politicians, celebrities, and their mindless minions use social media to trash-talk and stir up negativity and chaos. Plus scammers and sadistic trolls lie in wait to […]
How NOT to be a Spammer: A Guide for Authors
by Anne R. Allen Internet spam! Everybody hates it, right? Not only is it annoying, but vigilante groups can be cruel in enforcing anti-spam rules. But here’s the thing: not everybody defines “spam” the same way. I thought I knew what was acceptable on social media. I know that it is social and shouldn’t be be used for direct […]
How NOT to Sell Books: Top 10 Social Media Marketing No-Nos for Authors
by Anne R. Allen Let’s face it. Authors do a lot of obnoxious things online in the name of “marketing.” I think that’s because the average author isn’t educated in the field and we don’t realize that not all marketing is created equal. Good marketing is not about bullying your customers. It’s about enticing […]
Social Media Secrets for Authors, Part IV: How Not to Spam
by Anne R. Allen If you’ve ever wondered why unsolicited Internet advertising is named after a perfectly innocent meat product, blame Monty Python. In a famous 1970 sketch, the customers in a café are constantly drowned out by a chorus of Vikings singing “Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam… Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam!” Conversation is impossible […]
Social Media Secrets Book Marketers Don’t Tell You—Part I: How to Avoid Twitter-Fritter and Facebook-Fail
by Anne R. Allen First: many thanks to Indies Unlimited, which named this blog to its 10 Blogs and Websites Every Indie Should Know. If you’re an indie, or thinking of going indie (self-publishing or small-press), do follow them for great tips and news from a very savvy team of writers. Most writers these days […]
Top 10 Questions from New Writers: Answers to Your Most Burning Questions
by Anne R. Allen We welcome questions from readers, and we always try to offer an answer or at least steer you to a place where you can find one. A good place to get more detailed information is a book I co-wrote with Catherine Ryan Hyde: How to be a Writer in the E-Age…and […]
12 Social Media Mistakes for Authors to Avoid
by Anne R. Allen Are you “building platform” or just annoying people? This week, author Mary W. Walters blogged that promoting your books on Facebook and Twitter is a total waste of time for book sales. That’s because Social Media is not for selling books. It’s for making friends—friends we hope will help us in our […]
Social Media Overload: How Do Authors Reach READERS? Advice from Bestselling Romance Author Roni Loren
by Roni Loren If there is one question that all writers would love to have a definitive answer to, it’d be: How do I reach my current readers and attract new readers? For many of us, the most practical place is online. We don’t have the funds to fly around the country for […]