by Anne R. Allen Whenever I teach a writing workshop, the hardest concept to get across is point of view. Almost every new writer wants to “head-hop”— that is, describe the thoughts of every character in the story — “hopping” from one head to another. This is why head-hopping is considered the mark of […]
Authors, Do You Fall in Love With Your Fictional Characters?
by Anne R. Allen In a workshop I attended recently, several people criticized an author’s work because they didn’t approve of the way the protagonist behaved. They thought the character was morally deficient. First, this wasn’t good critiquing. It’s not the critiquer’s job to make moral judgements about another author’s characters. A novel full […]
Bogus Agents, Phony Communities, Fake Conferences, and Pay-to-Play Anthologies: New Scam Warnings for Writers
Bogus agents are impersonating real agents by Anne R. Allen Bogus agents are ba-a-ack. Once upon a time, in the long-ago era when I was querying, fee-charging agencies and in-house editorial services were the problem. Their scams usually involved charging a “reading fee” (a no-no for legit agents) or referring writers to editorial services and […]
Writing Rules vs. Writing Fashion: Should Writers Follow Fashion Trends?
Writing fashion changes, like the fashion in Easter Bonnets by Anne R. Allen Fashion. It sounds frivolous, but it has serious effects on us all. Right now, women are getting beard-burn from kissing men who sport the fashionable romantic-hero three-day stubble. And mothers are stifling their disappointment when their golden-haired boys get the fashion-victim shaved-sides […]
How Can You Tell Legitimate Publishers from the Bad Guys?
Legitimate publishers, or scammy villains? How can you tell? by Anne R. Allen New writers have much to be wary of these days. New publishing scams are landing in writers’ inboxes faster than we can send out warnings. Probably the most dangerous predators for the newbie writer are phony publishers, because they can shatter dreams as […]
The One Thing That Will Kill Book Sales Dead—And 10 Ways to Avoid it.
Don’t kill book sales dead with a less than enticing “look inside” sample. by Anne R. Allen I never have as much time to read as I think I will, and my trusty old Kindle is pretty loaded up. So I’m a picky book-buyer. Unfortunately, there are a lot of readers like me out here, […]
Author Pen Names: 5 Reasons they’re a Bad Idea in the Digital Age
Ben Franklin used many pen names. Should you? by Anne R. Allen Should you use different pen names if you write in different genres? Do you need to write under a pseudonym because people at work might find out you write steamy romances? Is it easier to write freely if you hide your real identity […]
10 Writing Career Mistakes I Made So You Don’t Have To
Writing career mistakes will happen, but these are some you can avoid. by Anne R. Allen Ruth and I like to say we made all the writing career mistakes so you don’t have to. I figure that I’ve collected nearly the full set of authorial faux pas since I embarked on a writing career. So today I’m […]
Disappearing Amazon Reviews: The Facts Behind Amazon’s Review Purges
by Anne R. Allen So what’s this about missing reviews? Go to any author forum or social media group for writers and you’ll see the plaintive posts: “Help! My Amazon reviews are disappearing.” “Amazon rejected my review because they say I ‘know’ the author. I don’t. All I did was friend her on Facebook!” “Amazon […]
10 Tips for Choosing the Right Book Title
by Anne R. Allen I’m not going to pretend that picking a title for your book is easy. In fact, it gets tougher all the time. We have to consider a lot more than how grabby a title looks on a bookstore shelf these days. In choosing a title now, we have to think […]
Guest Blogging for Authors: 10 Tips to Help You Land Those Valuable Guest Blog Gigs
by Anne R. Allen Guest blogging is a great way for writers to improve visibility. Most host bloggers will allow you to link to your website and to your book “buy” pages, so the post can both improve your name recognition and sell books. It’s free advertising and boosts your search engine rank. Some authors […]
Bad Reviews—Six Reasons to Be Glad You Have Them
by Anne R. Allen “What? Glad?” sez you. “There is nothing that makes a writer sadder than a bad review!” That’s true. They can feel like a sudden, nasty downpour on the biggest parade of your life. Whether you self-pubbed or worked with a traditional publisher, the publication of your first book is a […]
I did it: I’ve Published Five Novels in Three Months! Here is #5
THE BEST REVENGE has been published by Popcorn Press! It’s another rom-com mystery, this time set in the 1980s—a prequel to GHOSTWRITERS IN THE SKY and SHERWOOD, LTD (an ebook now, with the paper version to follow in about a month.) Long before the events of GHOSTWRITERS IN THE SKY and SHERWOOD, in 1980s New York, a […]