Aggression, greed, and paranoia do not enhance your author brand. by Anne R. Allen Recently there’s been a bizarre drama going on in the book world. It’s been given the name #cockygate, because it involves a cocky author who managed to trademark the word “cocky” in a deluded attempt to eliminate the “competition” and “protect” […]
Do Your Characters Talk too Much? When to Use Indirect Dialogue
…and How to Solve 9 Common Dialogue Problems. by Anne R. Allen I’ve been looking over some of my much-rejected early work and discovered my old stories have way too much dialogue. This is something I see in a lot of newbie fiction. I remember a guy who came into the bookstore where I […]
Author Pen Names: 5 Reasons they’re a Bad Idea in the Digital Age
Ben Franklin used many pen names. Should you? by Anne R. Allen Should you use different pen names if you write in different genres? Do you need to write under a pseudonym because people at work might find out you write steamy romances? Is it easier to write freely if you hide your real identity […]
Publishing Industry Cults, Weaponized Amazon Reviews, and Organized Cyberbullying
Cults are as dangerous now as in Savonarola’s day by Anne R. Allen Over the years I’ve written quite a bit about the dangers of author-on-author cyberbullying. A few years ago, a group I called “Mean Girls-meets-Lord of the Flies” terrorized authors on Goodreads and Amazon. A lot of us left Goodreads and never went […]
Your Author Blog: What Should an Author Blog About?
An author blog can be fun if you ignore the rules intended for business blogs. by Anne R. Allen The most common question I get from authors who are thinking about starting a blog is: “What should an author blog about?” My answer isn’t the same as what you’ll hear from the major blogging gurus. […]
Editing and Editors: A Writer’s Guide
9 Ways Editors Can Make You Look Good…and 7 Ways They Can Make You Miserable by Ruth Harris As a former editor, I’m biased but, as a writer, I’ve learned that for me (and for just about every writer I know), editing is the most productive and transformative part of writing a book. Whether […]
5 More Delusions That Can Block a Writer’s Success
by Anne R. Allen Last week I wrote about five delusions that can keep a new writer from professional success. I admit to succumbing to most of them myself at one time or another. Writers need to be a little delusional to embark on a road that we know is fraught with obstacles. It’s the […]
25 Must-Read Tips on Plotting from Top Authors and Editors
We have a special post for the holidays, compiled by freelance editor M. J. Bush. I first met M. J. when she included Ruth and me in one of her great quote compilations: “99 Essential Quotes on Character Creation”. I appreciated all the work that went into her post and asked if she’d like […]
8 Bogus “Rules” New Writers Tell Each Other
by Anne R. Allen We get lots of questions from new writers who have spent time in forums and online writers’ groups where they’ve been given advice by other newbies. Some of that advice is fine, but a whole lot is dead wrong. Unfortunately, the wrong stuff is usually delivered with the most certainty. […]
The Biggest Mistake New Writers Make and 5 Ways to Avoid It
by Anne R. Allen It’s been an exciting week for the blog. Marketing expert Penny Sansevieri named us to the Top 30 Websites for Indies and blog guru Molly Greene named us to her list of must-read “leaders” in self-publishing. (I’m only recently self-published—and most of my work is still with a small press—but […]
Are You Ignoring This Simple Platform-Building Tool? How to Comment on a Blog
by Anne R. Allen Platform. It’s a scary word to a lot of authors. Some of us obsess too much about it and waste time on pointless overkill. (More about how to skip the time-wasting stuff in my post, 7 Ways Authors Waste Time Building Platform.) But others ignore it entirely, but that’s not smart. The […]
Why Your Grandma Wants an E-Reader (Even if She Doesn’t Know It)
by Anne R. Allen If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably relatively tech-savvy. But now that we’re in the midst of holiday season, most of us are running into the inevitable friends and relations who are threatened by new technology and maybe even hostile to the whole idea of e-books and e-readers. Some of […]
Are Your Family and Friends Sabotaging your Writing Dreams?
by Anne R. Allen Writers participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) may discover that friends and family aren’t entirely enthused by your decision to disappear into your computer for a month. (I have a secret suspicion that Chris Baty invented NaNo in order to escape those painful family Thanksgiving dinners.) But at any time of […]