My metamorphosis into a Kafkaesqe bug by Anne R. Allen Yes. I’m back! A lot of readers have asked why I’ve been missing from the blog for the past five months, so I promised I’d detail my tale of woe when I returned. It’s kind of a long story. One that might have been written […]
How to Write for a Blog: 10 Tips for Writing Strong Web Content
Good Web content attracts those search engine spiders. by Anne R. Allen These days, pretty much all writers need to learn to write Web content. Yes, even if you’re a Victorian romance author whose readers care more about reticules and spatterdashers than retweets and SEO. Even if you don’t have your own blog. Any website […]
Blogging Can Jumpstart Your Writing Career…Even Before You Publish
By Anne R. Allen. This week, Jane Friedman reports some bad news for new novelists who want to go the traditional publishing route. She says fiction markets are increasingly “more competitive and risk-averse due to continued dwindling sales.” And she tells us that agents and publishers are now combing queries looking for “authors who demonstrate they […]
Want Reviews, Guest Posts, Spotlights, Interviews? Treat Bloggers With Respect!
I’m tired of book bloggers getting no respect. by Anne R. Allen The contempt some business people have for bloggers never ceases to amaze me. Every day I get emails demanding I do free work for companies that are obviously solvent enough to hire employees—so why do they imagine it’s okay to demand that bloggers […]
Easy Blogging for Authors: 10 Tips for a Successful Author Blog
The Author Blog: Easy Blogging for Busy Authors is here! by Anne R. Allen I’ve made some spectacular blunders in my blogging career. But since we learn from our mistakes, I’ve got a boatload of information now. As Ruth and I say: “We made the mistakes so you don’t have to.” The worst decision I […]
10 Reasons to Start an Author Blog: And Why It’s Easier than You Think
An author blog is the best way to build your writer’s platform by Anne R. Allen Some people have been saying blogging is dead for a while now. But for authors, it’s anything but. On a recent list of the most overrated marketing strategies, blogging was close to the bottom. Only 6% of marketers thought it […]
Your Author Blog: What Should an Author Blog About?
An author blog can be fun if you ignore the rules intended for business blogs. by Anne R. Allen The most common question I get from authors who are thinking about starting a blog is: “What should an author blog about?” My answer isn’t the same as what you’ll hear from the major blogging gurus. […]
Want More Blog Traffic? 7 More Tips for Author-Bloggers
Blog traffic problems? by Anne R. Allen Attracting traffic to your author blog is probably the biggest challenge for new author-bloggers. (After actually getting around to starting the thing in the first place and writing some posts.) The problem is that most of the stuff you read about blogs isn’t terribly useful to authors. Blogging […]
Blogging Authors, Ignore the Rules! 9 Tips for a Successful Author Blog
Blogging authors can break the”blog rules”! by Anne R. Allen Authors get lots of conflicting advice about blogging. Most of it isn’t terribly useful—and some can hurt or even destroy your career. It nearly happened to me. That’s because most of the blogging advice out there is: Out of date. Aimed at bloggers who want […]
Does an Author Really Need a Blog? 10 Reasons a Blog May Help Your Career
by Anne R. Allen “Blogging doesn’t sell books.” “Don’t waste your time blogging.” “Make book trailers! Email those newsletters! Spend more time on Pinterest and Instagram! Blogging is so over!” I’m hearing this stuff every day. But I still think a blog is one of the best uses of an author’s time. Even if […]
Blogging for Authors: How to Create a Blog that Can Grow With Your Career
by Anne R. Allen Maybe you’ve just finished that NaNo novel and you know you want to publish, so you’d like to get a head start while you slog through the editing process.Or you’ve been writing for a couple of years, you’ve published some short pieces, and you’ve got maybe two novels in […]
Thinking Outside the Book: When a Writing Dead End Becomes a Detour to Success
Today we’re excited to be hosting freelance writer Nina Badzin. I’ve known Nina since she started blogging and it’s been fantastic to watch her career soar. Nina was a compelling blogger from the time she wrote her first post. It was obvious she had tons of talent and skill. And her “query addiction” post […]
Blog Communities: Forming a Safe Place for New Writers in a Scary Online World
Some pretty scary things have been happening in the online book world recently—stuff that’s been shocking to those of us who expect our fellow book-lovers to behave like civilized adults. I spend a lot of time telling new authors how to use social media to create a “platform,” but I probably don’t warn you enough about the […]