Most authors start with practice novels. Some may be publishable…later.
by Anne R. Allen
We often hear stories about authors who have phenomenal success with a “first novel.” I’m sure most writers fantasize about being one of those success stories as we begin our careers. I sure did.
But here’s what I didn’t know when I was having those fantasies: a novel that is published first is rarely the actual first novel an author wrote.
Most successful authors have several “practice” manuscripts in their files. Of course they didn’t know they were practice books when they wrote them. They thought they were earth-shaking masterpieces.
Then reality reared its ugly head.
I heard from some newish writers who were miffed when I used the phrase “practice novels” in a post about my own writing career mistakes earlier this month. They thought I was condemning all first novels to dusty death in some cyber-file drawer. I’m sorry if I gave that impression.
Yes, most writers have a novel or two that we cut our teeth on that we do not want to show to the public. But some first novels do become classics.
But usually not immediately. Writers, like all artists, need to put in apprenticeship time before they can work at their full powers.
Here are some things to consider when you’re contemplating the publication of your very first novel.
1) Many “First Novelists” Aren’t Beginners
Many “first books” come from successful journalists, screenwriters, editors, feature writers, or ghostwriters who have been writing for a living for a long time.
The professional writer who finally sits down to compose a novel is nothing like the fledgling author of movie-fantasies who quits his soul-crushing job, pounds out a first book in a matter of months (preferably in a garret or remote cabin), sends it off to a publisher and becomes rich and famous overnight.
A couple of years ago, we had a guest post from NYT bestseller Eileen Goudge, who revealed that her “first novel,” Garden of Lies was written after she’d written dozens of YA novels in the Sweet Valley High series.
The bestselling Garden of Lies wasn’t a first novel. It was more like a 24th.
2) “Overnight Success” is a Dangerous Fantasy
Books like Garden of Lies are called “first novels” because “overnight sensations” make good copy. But the false narrative they create means that thousands of aspiring writers think they can replicate Eileen Goudge’s success with their first books.
But we’re being fed a fantasy. And it’s a dangerous one. Especially these days.
Easy e-publishing has created an atmosphere where new writers are pressured on all sides to publish right away. The pressure often comes from people who believe the “overnight success” narrative.
They’ll tell the fledgling author: “Why keep a potential moneymaker rotting in your files? Just throw that puppy out there and you can be the next ‘first novel’ success story.”
This keeps agents’ slush piles overflowing and perpetuates the “tsunami of crap” stigma that some people still apply to self-publishing.
Plus it can derail a career before it starts—and keep authors from achieving their full potential as artists.
3) What if Harper Lee had Published Go Set a Watchman?
Remember how shocked everybody was to hear that To Kill a Mockingbird wasn’t Harper Lee’s first (or only) novel?
I think it was hard for people to let go of the lovely myth of the genius who created that one perfect novel on the first try and lived on its proceeds for life.
As a writer, what I found most fascinating about the discovery of Go Set a Watchman was the revelation that it contained the storyline of To Kill a Mockingbird in flashback.
Lee’s editor at Harper and Row declined to publish Watchman as it was written, and asked her to write the flashbacks as a separate book, then compose a second book, and publish the rest of the original novel as the third in a trilogy.
Obviously, Lee never wrote book #2, so the planned version of Go Set a Watchman never happened.
But what if Harper and Row had accepted her book as is and published it? Go Set a Watchman is an okay book, but pretty much everybody agrees it’s no To Kill a Mockingbird.
So if Harper Lee’s first novel had been accepted—or if easy self-publishing had existed in the 1950s—To Kill a Mockingbird wouldn’t exist.
What if that first novel of yours could become a great work of literature with some more editing and practice?
4) Readers Won’t “Cut you Slack” for Practice Novels.
I’ve read social media posts by first-time indies who feel personally wounded when they get honest, unfavorable reviews. They say “these people should cut me some slack—it’s my first book!”
No, they should not cut you any slack. They have taken the time to read a book for their own entertainment, not to be your private writing tutor.
Think about it. I’m sure it’s happened to you: somebody hands you a book they’ve just read and thought was pretty good, so you go home and read it…and ho-hum your way through the clichés and clunky writing.
The next time you’re in a bookstore, do you pick up another book by that author, saying, “maybe she went back to school since she published that other one, and now she knows how to write better? Or maybe she’s hired a better editor.”
Me either.
If readers don’t like the first book they read from an author, they don’t go back for more.
5) Trying to Publish a Book because you Crave Validation can Backfire.
I see lots of new writers on social media who say stuff like, “I’ve finished my book! Everybody says I should start sending it out there so I can find out if it’s any good.”
If “sending it out there” means querying agents and publishers, this is not a good idea.
And if it’s self-publishing to get validated by reviewers and massive sales, it’s even worse.
Rejections feel awful. Bad reviews feel worse. And authors with single titles rarely make many sales. If you get too much rejection early on, you may give up, thinking you have no talent for writing. But the problem usually isn’t lack of “talent” but lack of skill.
Skill takes time to acquire.
Rejections often have nothing to do with the quality of your book, as Ruth Harris told us last month. Rejection often comes from the author’s inexperience—a clunky query, an overly detailed synopsis, or amateurish formatting.
And even more often, rejections spring from business reasons: the agency has just sold a similar book, some marketer thinks your genre is waning, or somebody’s just having a bad day.
But even if you get an offer, it may be too soon. You might be offered a bad or scammy contract, or have to turn out another book in a short amount of time that’s unrealistic for a beginner.
Expecting validation from book sales from self-publishing a first novel is not wise, either. You need at least 2 titles to benefit from discounts, freebies, Bookbub ads and the other marketing tricks that make indies successful. The best way to launch a self-publishing career is to release a number of books in quick succession. Launching one title before you have other books written will likely result in dismal sales, no matter how brilliant your book.
6) Don’t Depend on Reviewers, Either
Yeah, yeah, I know—you just skimmed that stuff about rejections saying “I don’t need no stinkin’ agents. I’m going indie all the way!”
But if you’ve just finished your first novel, publishing immediately is an even worse idea than “sending it out” to agents and small presses.
As I said above, you’re unlikely to make many sales with a single title, and the advice you hear from a lot of self-publishing advocates to publish and “learn from reviews” is just as pointless as expecting to get an education from agents and publishers.
Online customer reviews are notoriously unreliable. They often only tell you if the reviewer hates your genre, had trouble downloading, is trying to build up his review numbers to get free stuff from Amazon merchants, or is having a bad hair day.
What a first-time novelist who is planning to go indie should do is:
- Contact beta readers or join a critique group to polish that book till it shines.
- Work on building platform and network on social media.
- Build a mailing list and/or blog following.
- Write the next book!
7) Publishing is a Business. If You Don’t Know how it Works, You’re Likely to be Ripped off.
If you’re like most new writers, you’ve been in your right-brain writing cave turning out deathless prose, not brushing up on your business skills.
You need to give yourself time to learn about the business before you dive in, book first.
There are sharks in those waters. Overpriced vanity publishers, unscrupulous marketers, fee-charging agents, and other scammers are lying in wait.
There are a lot more people making money off writers these days than there are writers making money off books. You have to educate yourself, or you’ll simply be offering yourself up as prey.
Educate yourself about publishing scams. Start with Writer Beware.
8) Authors Often Find the Genre of their Practice Novels isn’t Right for Them.
Comic-mystery author Melodie Campbell genre-hops in short fiction, which is a great way to try out new genres and publish in several.
But if you publish a full-length novel in one genre, especially if you land a traditional contract, it’s hard to jump to another.
I’ve known writers who started writing YA and jumped to erotica (luckily erotica writers usually use a pen name.) And I’ve also known several literary fiction writers who found their groove in YA mystery or fantasy.
If they’d published those first efforts in book form, they’d have a lot of backtracking to do. So give yourself some time to explore your own interests before you brand yourself as one type of writer.
Write more short stories and experiment with genres before you publish that first full-length book
Re-branding can take a lot more time than establishing a brand in the first place.
9) Marketing takes a LOT of time.
No matter whether you’re going indie or trad, you’re going to spend a lot of time marketing once you have a book out. Way more than you think.
Blogging and social media eat into every day. Giving interviews, going on blog tours, and getting guest blog gigs takes time and a lot of schmoozing. Personal appearances and conferences can take weeks to prepare for. Sometimes it feels as if the writing itself becomes an afterthought.
10) Pre-Publication is an Essential Time for Creative Growth.
Pre-publication is the time when you can experience your most rapid growth as an artist. It is the only time when you can devote yourself entirely to your muse. Don’t rob yourself of that freewheeling, exhilarating time!
Can your Practice Novel be Published?
Mine was! A piece of my “practice novel” became The Lady of the Lakewood Diner about 15 years after I wrote it. I took two characters from the original novel, which had pretentious title, The Leaders of the Twenty-First Century, and with the help of a good editor, changed it into a comedy-mystery. It was published by Kotu Beach Press in 2014. I now consider it one of my best books. (And this week you can get it for only 99c at Amazon.)
When you finish that first novel, it’s a reason for celebration. Throw a party, open some bubbly and shout it from the rooftops.
But it’s not the time to launch your career.
It’s time to write that next novel. And maybe another. By then you may be skilled enough to look at that first novel and see it with the critical eye Harper Lee’s editor had—and you’ll be able to turn all that bloated prose into a masterpiece.
by Anne R. Allen (@annerallen) May 21, 2017
What about you, scriveners? Do you have any practice novels? Did you try to get yours published? Have you ever tried to polish one for publication? What did you find you’d learned after you wrote a few more books?
Last week I visited Estelle Van de Velde’s blog along with 6 other authors to talk about how to sell books on Amazon. Do check out 7 Experts on How to Be Successful on Amazon.
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My practice novel was published – many years later and after I completely re-wrote it.
That time before publication is so peaceful. I know every writer wants the prize of publication, but cherish that time of no obligations, no pressure, no marketing! Once you’re on the ride, getting off is near impossible.
Alex–I’m glad to hear yours got published eventually! And yes, wasn’t it lovely? Of course there was the pressure to publish and all the frustration of the query-go-round. But mostly pre-publication was a glorious time, when you could write anything that came into your head, and spend weeks editing that one chapter to make it just perfect. As you say, once you jump on the publishing machine, you can’t get off.
Wise words here! I totally agree with you both, Anne and Alex, pre-publication is in some deep way, the best of times: You finally discover what sort of writer you are and that you can become…If you give yourself the time to do it!
I had written three novels in English (plus two others in Italian that were traditionally published) so, back in 2011, I thought I was ready for self-publishing, but as it turns out I wasn’t, all three were “practice novels” (their shortcomings make me squirm today…) Luckily, I self-published with a pen name so I was able to abandon it and “rebrand” myself, going back to my original, real name. But I can testify that re-branding is really, really hard and time-consuming.
Better start right than having to start again!
Claude–In 2011, we were all jumping on the indie bandwagon. It was tough to resist. I remember publishing 5 books in 3 months with two small digital publishers. The Kindle was new and everybody was eager to get these new ebooks, so there really was a “Kindle Gold Rush.”
Luckily, I’ was already an established author and 2 of the books I published in those 3 months were out of print trad-pubbed books that had been edited and polished by pros and the other three were well edited by my new publishers. But I know if I’d been unpublished and had a bunch of novels in the files, I probably would have self-published too. So don’t beat yourself up about it.
But you’re right about re-branding. It’s not easy and people shouldn’t take it lightly. It takes a long time and a lot of work to establish a brand from scratch. Thanks for the reminder.
Boy, did Harper Lee’s editor know what s/he was doing. I suffered thru Go Set A Watchman. From the title it was all down hill. I imagine the editor saying, “Set this back in the past, when the main character, Scout was a child and toss the rest of this mess.” I think Go Set A Watchman was a book that never should have seen the light of day. I’ve always wondered how much influence Capote had on her novel. Did they ever settle that issue, Anne? I’ve read a lot of Capote and it makes sense that she went to her best friend to get some help. Am I the only one who thinks this?
re: First novels: I started writing short stories, very short, and sent them out after I’d revised and polished them the best I could. I do have one novel that is closer to a long novella and I published that one but after a ton of revisions. With the E-Age it’s so tempting to send that first critter out there. It takes a lot of restraint. Great post as always, Anne.
Paul–I’m one of the people who didn’t read Go Set a Watchman. I was afraid of tarnishing the image I had of Harper Lee as the genius who wrote Mockingbird. But now that you say it, I think you may be right. Some of that “genius” may have been Capote’s. It certainly would make sense. And it would also explain why she never wanted to write another–she would have to ask Capote’s help and she might have to disclose that. Hmmmm.
I think what you have done in your career is the way to avoid that unpublishable practice novel: write a whole lot of short fiction first, so your skills are up to the task of novel-writing..
Catherine Ryan Hyde did that too. She published 100s of short stories before she wrote her first novel, Funerals for Horses, so her novels were all publishable.
Right, Anne, for me, it was the right way to go. Publish short stories, learn the craft, then tackle the bigger works. I’m still at the novella stage and not sure I have what it takes to write a novel. I just finished a memoir of my single mom and it’s very, very short. 103 single spaced pages. Not sure what that translates to in e books. Like everything else I write, it comes up short.
I think if you read some of the autobiographical stories of Capote’s there’s a similarity but it’s been so long since I’ve read those early pieces of his, I can’t be sure, but I know his influence in her writing makes sense as they were such close friends. Loved Funerals for Horses, too. Catherine was smart to wait.
Paul–103 single spaced pages comes out to about 50K words. That’s a long novella length, which is a popular length right now. (And the length of the Great Gatsby. 🙂 ) Short is the new long. Sounds like a great length. Congrats! You sure turned that out fast!!
This article was very helpful
Tori–Next month I’m going to have a post on how to avoid having your first novel be a “practice novel”. I’ll offer tips on how to write a debut novel that has a chance of being published.
Thanks, Anne.
I’m glad you mentioned Lee Harper. I’ve avoided buying her first novel because of its negative press.
As a reader, I value online previews for showing me what I can expect from a book.As a writer, I’ve realized that the first part of a book can generate sales or send people in the opposite direction–first novel or not.
“Many ‘first books’ come from successful journalists, screenwriters, editors, feature writers, or ghostwriters who have been writing for a living for a long time.”
An excellent point. Years of experience in a related field can act as a surrogate first novel.
Kathy–We may be the only two people in this country who didn’t read Go Set a Watchman. It did make a lot of money, but it diminished her reputation.
Yes: journalists, screenwriters, and even copywriters are going to have a much easier time of writing a “first novel” than rank newbies. And as I said in my comment to Paul above–another way to avoid writing that practice novel is to hone your skills with LOTS of short stories first.
I didn’t read it either. In fact, I also never read TKM. I just usually cannot enjoy reading fiction for some reason. I also started Atlas Shrugged and just could not finish it. I do enjoy Dickens, a bit. Just weird, I guess.
Make that three people who didn’t read Watchman. I believe it was unfair to Lee to air that first, rejected attempt. It was unfair to her reputation at that stage in her life. I would HATE for my bad first drafts to see publication. They really are practice, and while some characters or plot aspects probably will survive in other works, the complete works should remain hidden from all.
HomesCool–To Kill a Mockingbird is a great work of American Literature, but Watchman…from what people say, you can give it a pass. And as for Atlas Shrugged–my WWII hero dad called it “a handbook for sociopaths” and wouldn’t allow it in the house. A boyfriend gave me a copy in college, but I thought the writing was wooden and preachy. It’s just a political screed.
Sherhonda–I agree 100%. I think it was a dishonor to Harper Lee. If she’d wanted it published, she had about 60 years to do it. The fact she didn’t says it all.
You’re right that practice novels can be mined for characters, scenes and plotlines, but they should not be published without heavy editing .Especially by greedy hangers-on.
I saw another Kerouac novel in the library this week. It’s called The Haunted Life and it was written before On the Road. Besides the well known The Town and the City, this is the third pre- On the Road novel to surface in recent years. These works seem to be of most interest to academics and die-hard Kerouac fans.
Henri–I’ve never heard of The Haunted Life! It’s amazing how they keep finding “new” works by dead authors. Most of them weren’t published for a reason. They can often tarnish an author’s reputation. We’d better burn those practice books before we kick the bucket. 🙂
Terrific and important topic Anne, and I appreciate your thoughts. My “first” novel was this odd little thing that several years later became a novel: I had the drive to finally write “it”, but couldn’t find the beginning (now I see more clearly, it’s the middle book of a trilogy so the start of it was in the fog and will be touched up when the prequel is written someday). Coming in at the middle is tough! Of course the great opus, the REAL trunk novel, the one that started off all the action in my world, was just that for some time and its rejection got me started on the indie path.
I’m no expert but when I read your fascinating anecdote about Harper Lee I stopped and wondered about the changes in publishing since then. Do you honestly suppose there is anyone today at a major publisher, seeing a first-time author with her first-time novel, who would have given anything close to that in-depth structural advice? I’m so stunned to learn this I keep doubting it really happened! Today think you’d have a better chance of being struck by purple lightning.
And therein lies part of the problem- you need to succeed before you get that level of help, I think, beyond good beta-readers and early reviewers. You sort of have to fall down to learn anything because who from the Big 5 takes you under their wing anymore? So your betas and reviewers might be the best, most honest source of improvement an indie can get. Your point about publishing scams is particularly apt here. Of course we can fool ourselves too, but that’s usually cheaper!
Will–You bring up an important point here. I hadn’t thought about it, but you’re absolutely right. Most of the publishing industry is not set up to produce another To Kill a Mockingbird or Look Homeward Angel. Big 5 editors don’t buy books based on potential anymore.
This is why small presses are often the source of the best literary fiction. They’re more likely to have real developmental editors on staff.
Indies can hire good developmental editors, but they may not be open to the radical changes a book may need. And since the changes aren’t required when the author is boss instead of the editor, they may not happen.
Anne, I’m beginning to think you’re reading my mind, and writing blog posts just to me these days. They are coming at the exact time I need to read them. Thank you for such sterling advice as always.
My first practice novel is in a drawer and is likely to never ever get a peep – I didn’t even query it. I don’t even talk about my second one. And it’s now getting to the stage where I might be realising that my fourth one is yet another practice novel. I feel much better about it all, however, having read this!
Tara–It sounds as if you need some good beta readers, or maybe an editor . If you’ve taken the time to write four novels, you’ve probably learned a lot of writing craft. And I know you’re a good writer, because you have such a great blog.
You may simply need a new set of eyes to look at the manuscripts and see what the problems are (if any–you may be dealing with too much perfectionism or simply fear of success, which I wrote about last year.)
I remember that post – it was excellent! I think genre might be might current problem – my betas were happy, even a couple of agents. But for now my strategy is to keep writing the next one, and the next, until I hit a more cozily categorisable genre which sells, then unleash the rest. I’m learning – I’ll keep writing – I’m stubborn like that!!
Tara–Genre was a huge problem with me too. I started writing in the era of chick lit, so my first commercial book was written for Bridget Jones fans. Then I realized I really wanted to write mysteries. I still straddle the genres.
Anne—As someone who slogged through the slush pile (beaucoup first novels there!), I will confirm that your advice is on target! As to Harper Lee and Mockingbird, it was the editor, Tay Hohoff, who guided the author through draft after draft—after draft—until the book emerged. Was a different time in publishing when editors ran things and had the time, experience & talent to spend the needed time on mss. Doesn’t happen these days now that marketing depts & accountants run publishers.
For those who are interested in the details, here’s the story behind Mockingbird & the editor (The Invisible Hand) who saw what was there and brought it to life.
Ruth–Thanks for that link! I found lots of articles about Watchman, but I couldn’t find anything about the editor. Tay Hohoff should be better known. Great novels used to be a collaboration between editor and author. Short stories too. I remember an article in the New Yorker about a decade ago that showed how much Raymond Carver’s signature minimalism came from his editor, as well.
It’s sad those collaborations couldn’t happen today–at least in corporate publishing, since it’s run by marketers and accountants now.
My first and only completed novel failed to sell for two main reasons: I failed to grow my beard long and scraggly enough, and on a windy night in Messina I left my garret’s windows wide open. The plebeians who caught midnight pages as they fell onto olive-oil slick cobblestones raved about my brilliance as reflected in my choice of cold-pressed oil, but they agreed that the text needed lot more garlic.
So I quit the effort and dedicated what was left of my life to redesigning my garret and growing my beard.
Anthony–Obviously it was only a practice beard. 🙂
Great and practical post today, Anne. I’ve got a first novel tucked away out of sight, and I might resurrect a character or two out of it, but it’s definitely not printable. Then I wrote another 3 books in a trilogy – I really enjoyed outlining and writing them, but I’m bogged down in 2nd-3rd-7th draft issues. So I’ve written two more. I like them better, I seem to be learning more of the craft, and I’m recognizing my problem issues. [too much backstory, needs more senses, trim scenes, etc] Deciding to write in my 70s was likely not the best decision, but here I am. I love your blog and always feel more encouraged with your dose of reality! Cheers.
Celia–It sounds as if you’re learning a lot as you progress. I think writing is exactly what we should do later in life–so you made a great decision!. I’m so glad I spent my 20s and 30s having adventures and didn’t publish until I was in my late 40s. My early writing was terrible, but my adventures were amazing! 🙂
Boy, have I been waiting for this blog theme! Thanks for this, Anne! Now my students will hear it from you, a seasoned pro, as well as from me. For some reason, most of my students can’t think beyond writing anything but the first novel. Only a few get excited about the possibility of more.
And thanks for the mention! You are right on the mark. When I cross genres (and I have in novels) the market doesn’t cross over. My readers of madcap crime fiction do not generally read my comic fantasy novels. This surprised me at first. In the end, I had to pick one genre to concentrate on, when it came to novels. I would guess I am your textbook example for this. In fact, I feel a blog coming on…grin
Melodie–I think that first novel is such a long, tough project that newbies can’t imagine it ever being finished. I know so many people who have been working on “the book” for decades. They don’t realize that the next ones will be much easier to write. It’s amazing how much easier things are when you know how to do them. 🙂
I think the problem with crossover readers is that algorithms tend to separate genres. In a bricks and mortar bookstore, all your books will be on a shelf together. But on Amazon, your fantasies will probably have suggestions and also-boughts that are non-funny fantasy, not other humorous books, even if you wrote them. Humorous fiction doesn’t get enough respect in the business right now to get its own category. Most “humor books” are nonfiction. But I love both your fantasies and your crime capers.
You’re a doll, Anne. And you definitely inspire me.
I found this interesting and not surprising at all
Joanne–I wish I’d known about practice novels before I went through all the agony of querying it. 🙁 Those queries were even worse than the book!
Where to start? This post struck so many chords with me, from the first-book authors I edit, who wail about the 5, 7, 9 years they’ve put into their book and why do I think it needs so much work? to my own ‘first books’ that sit in multiple notebooks (back in long-hand days) or ancient files on external hard drives and data sticks. I probably have some on floppy discs…
I know that if you’ve spent 5 years carving out your story, you don’t want someone telling you not to go public with it — just yet. As an editor, I gently explain that stories are good concepts, fun ideas, etc., but now they need to learn about how to turn their story into something special.
All my practice novels have nice elements in them, but they all also have things in them that must be stabbed in the heart before they become sentient and spread. As a writer, I understand that the first words I put on the page may be filled with passion, but they may not fully support that passion. I think those words are ‘perfect’, but that’s because I know all the other ‘stuff’ in my head that created those words and how they’re strung together. So, unless you do some mind meld with me, you can’t know what I know, or feel — you won’t have empathy for or be able to bond with my characters.
I would step out on a thin limb and say that the authors I know who have enjoyed some success have all said to me, as their editor, “I can’t wait to get this one worked through! I already have two ideas for my next books!” I relate to that because I can write one piece and be sparked with a new idea while writing it, and must discipline myself to finish the first material!
Wonderful, timely post, Anne — and one that speaks so honestly, and necessarily, to first-book writers.
Tiger–This is probably the #1 problem editors have to deal with, isn’t it? Newbie writers (me included) usually think their very first efforts are deathless works of genius that cannot be tampered with. They often don’t even know what editors do. (I’ll be writing about that next month.)
It’s hard to be the constant bearer of bad news. One of the reasons I stopped editing was I hated to deal with the anger and disappointment writers invariably felt when I told them what needed to be done.
But yes, success breeds success and most authors have more ideas for novels than they can ever write. Getting past that first one is the trick!
Oh god yes, on the initial question. I self pubbed my first one through ASI (yes, you can hit me now with a 2×4) and it took me well over six years to recover my reputation from that humiliating miscue (i was fortunate enough to get it de-listed/taken out of print, but I have about 45 copies that I use as a basis for my Schedule C).
On a lighter note, yes, I did indeed polish a manuscript until it shined for traditional publication. This was when I decided in 2011 to serious up my writing. Wrote a novel in two months in 2011, spent the rest of 2011 and early 2012 revising/rewriting/re-revising/re-rewriting until I sold it.
G. B.–A lot of writers got hit by the Author Solutions 2X4. I know at least one fine writer who stopped writing altogether after being caught up in their scammy net. .
I think writing a novel can take about the same amount of time to write if you do the first draft fast like that, and then take the time to polish it, or if you write the first draft slowly and don’t have so much to fix afterward. Congrats on selling the book!
I did publish my first book, but only after I had worked it and worked it. Then after a few years I reread it and made more changes. If I was writing it now (with several more books worth of experience) that first novel would be quite different.
Darlene–I think that’s something a lot of us do. We keep rewriting the same book, instead of setting it aside to “mellow” and writing another.
I used to do that with first chapters too. I’d keep polishing that first chapter instead of going on to finish the book. Now I’ve learned to write a placeholder chapter one and move on with the story.
I often think of Neil Gaiman who conceived the idea for The Graveyard Book when his toddler was riding a tricycle in a beautiful cemetery, but he waited 20 years to write it until he felt he was a good enough writer for that story. I have an unpublished novel I feel the same way about. I’ve redrafted it several times, but now I’m letting it rest until I feel ready to write it.
Deb–I didn’t know that about Neil Gaiman! Fascinating. And yeah, I think he got to be a good enough writer. 🙂
I think one of the common things about first novels is that new writers tend to bite off more than they can chew. We jump into some huge saga with major themes instead of starting with a shorter, simpler book. Our skills just aren’t up to our vision until we’ve had more practice.
I have two practice novels still on 3.5 floppy disks! A middle grade aviation adventure series I wrote for my son that someday I may print out and see if they are worth polishing. They were tons of fun to write when my son was young and obsessed with all things flying. Even if they never achieve liftoff (sorry, couldn’t be helped) writing those novels gave me the confidence to tackle a major work of fiction. Those practice novels are stepping stones.
Carmen–I still have my first book on floppies, too! I was going to throw them out recently and for some reason I couldn’t. I still have an old computer that can read them. I might find something I can mine from them, I suppose.
You’re right about the practice novel as a stepping stone. We can’t get where we’re going if we don’t put in the time.
But you may find you can publish those kids books when you find the time. It will be easier to polish them now.
Congratulations on writing this information-rich article, Anne.
My take-away: Your first book is an education. You need to get serious about your craft and learn, learn, learn and develop your skills.
Thank you for confirming that I’m on the right track.
Leanne–That’s a great way to look at it! Your first book is like a college course. Expensive in terms of time (and maybe $$) but worth it because you’re getting an education that will serve you in the future.
Anne – you make a heap of great points here. My first novel-length manuscript (which I was convinced was a novel & sent out bunches of times) turned out to be an exercise — a very helpful exercise, but an exercise, nonetheless.
Hey Anne,
I’d be the third person in the world who hasn’t read Watchman,
As to practice novels, I’d say I had at least five and probably as many screenplays before I published. Even still, I wonder if the first one that was published should’ve been.
You’re right, with the self publishing revolution there is a push for writers to just ‘throw it out there’ to see what happens and many do. Unfortunately. I belong to several writer’s groups on FB and some of the comments I see coming from ‘published authors’ floor me. Questions about things that are just basic writerly things – and don’t get me started on the questions about the business side of things. Apparently, even if you are a writer and published actually looking things up or researching them is an unfair expectation.
I wonder sometimes if this rush to publish isn’t in some way part of the entitlement culture that you now see everywhere within most groups. It does strike me that way sometimes – that a person just feels entitled to published simply because they’ve written a 300 page document and are calling it a book. And from there they are entitled to reviews but only good reviews, and immediate and positive answers from Amazon, who shouldn’t force them to follow the rules like the rest of us slobs and so on.
You know, I see a lot people who ‘help’ writers to publish and become best sellers and rank and sell and all that stuff – but I don’t see any courses on improving your writer craft in 30 days. And that’s what the focus should be on – the craft. Because once you’ve got a handle on that, then yeah publishing is a good idea.
Sorry, I think I’m just being a grump today.
Annie–I totally relate to your grumpitude. 🙂 Amazon is glutted with practice novels and not-even-novels that have been “thrown out there” by people who’ve been convinced that if they just pay enough for marketing, they can sell any sh***y first draft. I have so many bad books on my Kindle. I think I delete 90% of what I’ve downloaded. Sometimes they’ve even polished the first 10 pages for the “look inside” function, but then the whole thing falls apart.
There are a whole lot more people publishing these days, but there aren’t any more who are good writers than we had before the “Kindle Revolution.”
Entitlement is a problem too. I agree. People who went to school in the “everybody gets a gold star” self-esteem days have a real problem with follow-through. Alas.
So funny, Anne. I never thought of the polishing the first ten pages angle. That explains a lot to me. LOL.
I too have deleted so many ‘novels’ from my Kindle, from supposed ‘best selling’ authors.
But the good news is that most honest writers will heed your advice – and wait to publish until they’ve had the practice they need. I hope so.
Annie–They get a free sample edit for the first ten pages, then don’t hire the editor. 🙁
Excellent advice as always Anne. I so enjoy your blog. I just wanted to say that I purchased Go Set a Watchman last year and it is still on my bookshelf, unread as of yet. I read about all the controversy with that book and thought that being Lee’s only other book I should have it in my collection but still hesitate to read it for now. 🙂
Debby–I’ll bet there are an awful lot of people who did what you did: bought Watchman out of a sense of duty but didn’t actually read it. There was so much hype, I almost bought it too, except I was too lazy 🙂 . But once the reviews started coming out, I didn’t want to go there.
I hear you. But I know one day my curiosity will get the best of me, lol. 🙂
I agree with what you say here, but it brings up a question for me. If the first novel should be considered practice, would I use the story idea that won’t leave me alone, the one that keeps me up at night? Or would I save that idea for a 2nd or 3rd novel which is likely to be more publishable because of having done a practice novel or two beforehand?
Nancy—You need to write the thing that is compelling you to write. Writing something else will just sabotage the process.
As I said, practice novels CAN be published. Mine was. Most of us start with a big idea. Sometimes our skills aren’t up to it in the beginning, but we still need that idea to drive us forward.
And remember the more you write, the more ideas you’ll have. Most working novelists I know have more ideas than they will ever be able to write in one lifetime.
Thanks, Anne. I am currently working on a non-fic project, but next up will be the story idea that won’t leave me alone. 🙂
Thanks for this post Anne and I’m already working on your suggestions. I have about three or four practice novels, with about half a dozen or so short stories. I just submitted one of my short stories to a magazine, so I’m learning how to ‘ship’ (this is what I find the hardest thing of all). My first practice novel always comes back to me, so I guess it’s a story that I need to tell. Being a bit of a perfectionist, I’m certainly not one to be in a hurry to send my work out too soon. Perhaps I’m being a bit overly-cautious, but I’m planning on making the most of this pre-publication stage.
Debbie–It’s great that you’re sending out your short stories! Unlike novels, they are much more in demand and easier to place. So even though they don’t make much money now, they are fantastic for getting your writing muscles honed (and learning to collect rejections.) You’re doing things exactly right.
On Sunday I’ll have a link to a list of literary magazines that welcome new writers .
Entering contests is a great way to get your career started, too. Sometimes they can really pay off. I remember when I won $75 for a poem. It boosted my confidence so much when I was in an awful slump. And getting that money made me really feel like a professional writer.
Nice to meet another Debbie Johnson, ……. If you see Larue, that will be my married name when I tie the knot.
Annie. I have several practice novels as well. While a few have seen rewrites and new starts, a few I keep hidden and practice punctuation on, word choices, sentence structure all that kind of stuff. And while I love my characters they will forever be my invisible friends until they are ready – if they ever are – to venture out to see others. But until then, I will continue to go back to those places and walk with them in their worlds.
Debra–Debbie Johnson is probably like Anne Allen–one of those names that’s so common there are three in every town. My doctor has five patients named Ann(e) Allen in my little town. 🙂
I love the idea of the characters in your practice novels being “invisible friends.” Often mine would wander into other works. They’ve made cameos in other novels and some have short stories of their own. Those “practice novels” are great resources to mine for characters, situations and settings.
none of my past stories have seen the trash can, no matter how bad,,once they have been ‘alive’ in a story a few months , they become real and getting rid of them would be a tragic thing. They become like friends I’ve met on travels I have been on while writing. I love being a writer
Let me just say YES! I’m probably gonna make a post about this on my own blog some day, but I just have to agree with everything here. I don’t know how many old stories I have lurking on hard drives somewhere, but they never got past the rough draft stage. It’s a huge motivator (read: ego boost) when you can go back and read your old books and recognize that they were… not good. It means you’re better now, and know better.
I also know that playing around with genre is a big one also. I’ve tried everything from literary fiction to YA romance, but I’m a sci-fi/fantasy girl at heart, with a soft spot for supernatural. And this life is too short to be stuck writing something you don’t like.
How do you know if a novel is “practice” or “publishable”? I categorize myself as a perfectionist hobbyist writer, and do not want to put out garbage, even if I am only self-publishing for my (and my friends) own pleasure.
I have 5 finished novels, 5 WIPs in the 1st draft stage, and more ideas than I can write in a lifetime. I love your idea of moving on, and planned to do that by “putting them out there”, but I do want to be taken seriously, not just publish junk.
Jessica–Have you run the books through a critique group? Got beta readers and hired an editor? Those people will let you know if the book is viable or not. They will probably do it politely, but if you ask them what it would need to be better and they come up with 25 things, it might not be time to publish yet.
Anne, thanks a lot for such an useful article. I thoroughly read it and now I have a fair idea about how to take forward my first piece of work (novel) which I am planning to start soon. In case of any other advice I need from you, can I be in touch with you through Wrodpress? Thanks again.
Sabrarish–Congrats on taking that plunge to start your novel! The best way to get advice from Ruth and me is to put your topic in the search window of this blog and read the articles we’ve posted here over the last 10 years. Alas, with 1000s of readers, we can’t take the time to offer free personal coaching to each one. We need to have time to write our own books that pay the bills (and take a little time to eat and sleep.)
You can also get a lot of information from me–and from Amazon multi-million seller Catherine Ryan Hyde–in our book “HOW TO BE A WRITER IN THE E-AGE.” Best of luck on your writing journey!