Find the right agent with the help of Literary Rambles by Natalie Aguirre Thanks so much for having me here, Anne and Ruth. Finding an agent can be incredibly challenging, and sometimes, it can feel impossible. One thing I’ve learned from my almost 15 years of interviewing debut and traditionally published authors and agents at […]
How to Guarantee Rejection: Top 10 Ways Writers Self-Reject when Querying Bloggers, Editors, and Agents
by Anne R. Allen Having a popular blog has helped me feel a lot of empathy with agents and publishers. That’s because Ruth and I get a ton of queries, too. Most of ours are from authors or publicists who want a blog tour promotion, guest blog spot, or a book review. Some want us […]
I Have Written a Book. Now What? 22 Steps to Getting Published.
by Anne R. Allen I’ve had a number of people ask me that “now what” question in the last few months. There’s tons of info out here in Cyberia, but not everybody knows how to access it. And along with the good info, there’s plenty of bad—especially from predatory vanity publishers and bogus agents. So here are some basics. […]