Charisma can have a dangerous side
by Ruth Harris
You know who they are.
The superstars.
The BFDs.
They get the best tables, fly private, live on palatial estates.
They are the ones who Have. It. All.
They’re actors, influencers, corporate honchos, entertainers, TV personalities, rock stars, religious leaders, politicians and presidents.
They’re the Superstars, the A-listers, the Big Man On Campus, the Home Coming Queen, the most admired, most popular, most likely to succeed. The mega stars who stand out even among other stars.
They enter a room oozing confidence, command and competence.
They demand attention — and get it.
They’re the winners, the charmers, the seducers, the larger-than-life hero or heroine of every dazzling success story.
Their names are in headlines.
So are their marriages and divorces, scandals and triumphs.
The spotlight burns brighter on them.
They have that certain, indefinable something.
Something called “It.”
Who are they?
- Princess Di. But not Princess Anne.
- Steve Jobs. But not Bill Gates. And not Mark Zuckerberg.
- Stormy Daniels but not Karen McDougal
- Hannibal Lector. But not Jeffrey Dahmer.
- Hemingway. But not F. Scott Fitzgerald.
- Elvis. But not Tony Bennett.
- Tiger Woods but not Rory McIlroy.
- Eva Peron but not Angela Merkel.
- Frank Sinatra. But not Frankie Laine.
- The Beatles. But not the Beach Boys.
- Anthony Bourdain. But not Rachel Ray.
Why writers need to know.
We want to create dimensional characters, but how do we write those charmed (and charming) characters who Have. It. All.
What’s the character arc for someone who has a perfect life? Someone who’s living the ideal life everyone envies.
What motive would s/he have to change?
Why gild the lily?
Instead ask a few questions.
Is all that glitters gold?
Is their life really that perfect?
But perhaps more often than you might think, maybe not.
Ask their wives, husbands or exes, their children, colleagues or chauffeurs.
Here you will find victims — the discarded, the disillusioned, and the embittered — and it is here that you will find the path to a compelling character arc.
How, exactly, does charisma work?
According to Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, professor of business psychology at University College London, at Columbia University, an associate at Harvard’s Entrepreneurial Finance Lab, and author of Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? (and How to Fix It), there are only three ways to influence others: force, reason, or charm.
Professor Chamorro-Premuzic points out that force and reason are rational. Even when we are “forced” to do something, we obey for a good reason like getting the grades we need to get the scholarship we want, keeping the job we need or avoiding a divorce by a fed-up wife or a he’s-had-it husband.
Charm, however, is based on emotional manipulation and therefore can — and will — eclipse any rational response.
Charismatic leaders influence by charm rather than reason, but when they run out of charm, they tend to revert to force (think Hitler, Stalin or Jim Jones.)
Charisma is addictive — and a two-way street.
Professor Chamorro-Premuzic goes on to say that leaders capable of charming their followers become addicted to that love.
Followers in turn become addicted to the leader’s charisma.
The result is a reciprocal dependence that encourages both leader and follower to distort reality in order to prolong the high, the rush, the “magic.”
According to Audrey Murrell, associate dean of the University of Pittsburgh College of Business Administration and director of the David Berg Center for Ethics and Leadership, “The dark side of charisma is often referred to as a ‘cult of personality.’ Differences of opinion and divergent values are not tolerated.
“What often happens is that when different opinions challenge the leaders’ influence, consensus-seeking is deployed as a weapon to maintain the leader’s superhuman status. This means that disagreement with the leader is viewed as a sign of disloyalty.”
The dreck beneath the dazzle of charisma.
What is a charismatic person really like?
To find out, consider that beneath the magnetic, irresistible charm is a bottomless pit of need. And a devouring appetite for more.
Insatiable. Voracious. Too much is never enough. Not for them.
They want to dominate and manipulate.
And have a win-at-all-costs mentality.
They are often bullies and users, narcissists, sociopaths and/or psychopaths.
They fascinate in fiction.
- Mrs. Danvers (Rebecca).
- Miranda Priestly (The Devil Wears Prada).
- Leonard di Caprio as a Wall Street Midas (The Wolf of Wall Street).
- Logan Roy (Succession).
- Patrick Bateman (American Psycho), a 1980s yuppie serial killer.
- Or Hitchcock’s Norman Bates in Psycho.
- J. K. Rowling has described Lord Voldemort as “a raging psychopath, devoid of the normal human responses to other people’s suffering.”
And in real life.
- John Gacy, who received a “Man of the Year” award from his city, murdered thirty-two and buried their bodies in the crawl space beneath his house.
- Handsome, charismatic Ted Bundy, lured women with his charm — and then murdered them.
- Jeffrey Dahmer, raped, murdered, dismembered — and sometimes ate — his victims.
- Green Beret and medical doctor, Jeffrey MacDonald, a man who had what seemed a picture-perfect resumé, murdered his pregnant wife and daughters.
Not all sociopaths are murderers.
Some find other ways to satisfy their need for control, power and prestige.
According to Forbes, jobs that attract sociopaths include:
- Lawyer
- Surgeon (just ask my friend Sharon who was married — briefly — to a surgeon)
- Cop
- Teacher
- Clergyman (or woman)
- Chef
- Salesman (or woman).
Or consider Silicon Valley #GirlBoss Elizabeth Holmes, who raised millions for her medical diagnostic company, Theranos, on the promise of a miraculous blood test (which didn’t work).
Here, too, are the weaponizers of charm, the crooks and conmen (and women).
The liars, hustlers, swindlers and flatterers, the fakers, phonies and poseurs.
In The Wizard of Lies, Robert De Niro portrays Bernie Madoff, who ran the largest Ponzi scheme in history. He defrauded millions, left his victims broken and bankrupt.
At the end of the film, De Niro as Madoff asks, “Do you think I’m a sociopath?”
He wonders.
And so do we.
As Elizabeth Holmes serves an eleven-year prison sentence.
Are there good sociopaths?
I couldn’t find a definitive, persuasive answer.
But what about Sherlock Holmes as portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch in the BBC series?
Sherlock is referred to as a psychopath several times throughout the series and has also been described as having Asperger syndrome.
In response, he says: “I’m not a psychopath, I’m a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research.”
Is your character sociopathic? Or not?
We’re writers, not shrinks — at least not most of us — but if we write crime, the murderous sociopathic/psychopathic character gives us home field advantage. Just ask Thomas Harris about Hannibal Lector (The Silence of the Lambs).
If we don’t write crime, the sociopathic character can appear as a stalker, a deadbeat, a person who lurks on this side of the law (or maybe just over), causing chaos, disappointment, and leaving behind a wake of broken promises, professional wreckage, failed marriages and/or romances.
Another alternative is the character with traits that can be thought of as sociopathic — the charm, the charisma, the dazzling success — but who isn’t a menace. At least not in any normal sense of the word.
A character like this can be the center of a rags-to-riches (or riches-to-rags) story.
This kind of character is also a good candidate for a compelling character arc.
Will s/he learn from the downside consequences of his/her ways and change?
From East Hampton With Love
In my about-to-be-published new book, From East Hampton With Love, (Book #4 in the Cozy In The City series), the story begins when the body of a magnetic, charming, super-successful Mad Man washes up on East Hampton’s Billionaire’s Beach. Blake Weston and her handsome sexy ex-cop husband must spend the summer among the 1% in the fabled resort to find out what — or who — caused the mysterious death of this ad world’s superstar.
ARCs coming soon! If you’d like to be put on the list, please let me know in the comments and I will add your name and email.
PS: Park Avenue Blondes, #1 in the Cozy In The City series, is now on sale for 99c.
by Ruth Harris (@RuthHarrisBooks) February 26, 2023
What about you, scriveners? Do your characters have charisma? Have you ever written a charismatic villain? A sociopath? What do you think makes a character charismatic?
Cover Reveal!
The next book in Ruth’s fun mystery series is coming soon!
Women’s fiction meets cozy mystery in the Big Apple.
Great points, Ruth. I once attended a workshop with an old school writing kahuna whose more generalized rule was, “Some element of your protagonist must reside outside the Bell Curve.” Clearly, your psychopaths follow the kahuna’s rule.
Nice piece, Ruth. Like the sociopath job list. I can vouch for twisted characters being in a police force (remember Joseph Wambaugh?) and I’d like to add another profession – realtors. BTW, I recognized all the names on the “who are they” roster, except one. I had to Google Karen McDougal (but not Stormy Daniels). *a wave and a good morning to Anne*
There is no such thing as a perfect life, so lots under the surface to deal with.
Not a murderer, but Holmes was definitely a bit nuts. Maybe it was the brilliance that did it?
CS—Way, way outside the bell curve for sure! An excellent, succinct rule to keep in mind (not that psychopaths have anything to do with rules.) Rules? What rules? 😉 Thanks!
Garry—I definitely remember Joseph Wambaugh, a big bestseller in his time & very knowledgable about cop life. We get so many awful videos of cops behaving badly, they act like out of control, power-crazed psychos with a wolf-pack mentality. Scary.
Realtors belong on the list absolutely. Along with sharks and predators. Also scary critters. lol
I always sorta liked Stormy. Girl gotta make a living, and I thought she seemed bright and funny and had a good prospective.
Alex—Thanks! What a great point and so helpful to writers. “Under the surface” is where all the good stuff thrives…like the engine that makes a car go. You can’t see it, but you know it’s there and it’s what propels all the action (good or bad) forward.
Ruth I’d love an Arc of From East Hampton with Love. For one, it’s set in my home territory. I live one town over from East Hampton. Also, I’m looking to get in the mood for the HamptonsWhoDunit Mystery and Crime festival in April. Will you be there?
Really interesting, Ruth – I was fascinated by ‘three ways to influence others: force, reason, or charm.’ How it does play out in real life! In my own writing, I tend to go for traditional motivations for murder: money, love/lust or revenge. I am always interested in why the antagonist will step over that line or boundary before I would.
Joanna—One town over? Yay! You’re in home territory!
Hope you enjoy From East Hampton With Love. DM your email to me on twitter @RuthHarrisBooks & I’ll send you a download link.
Very interesting, Ruth. I have known a few truly charismatic people in my life, and I was not comfortable with any of them. It was as if we were communicating on different wave lengths.
Melodie—Money/love/lust and revenge will always get the job done. 😉 I think a sociopathic character will step over that line — and most likely not even acknowledge the line — much sooner than most. That’s what makes them so dangerous and so unpredictable.
Kay—Ditto. They are *very* needy and IME they emotionally/psychologically devour the people around them. To me, they are quite creepy up close.
A very important and interesting article.
So how do you compare “Swagger” with “Charisma”?
I am just about to release three books that I have written:
1. “The Book of Swagger (People, Places, and Things That Have Swagger — And Some That Don’t!)” by Benjamin A. Sloane
2. “The Little Book of Swagger (637 Swagger Tips for Swagger Guys)” by Ernie J. Zelinski
3. “The Book Without Ego” by Anonymous
Of course, a lot of people hate people with Swagger but won’t admit that they wish that they had more Swagger themselves. Charlie Hoehm, a successful author, marketer, and entrepreneur, wrote a feature blog post “How to Get More Swagger” in which he claimed his lack of Swagger kept him from achieving as much as he could have achieved.
The Urban Dictionary has arguably the best definition of Swagger. “Swagger is to move with confidence, sophistication and to be cool. Swagger is to conduct yourself in a way that would automatically earn respect.”
I think most people would rather have Swagger than to languish in obscurity all their lives. To paraphrase Somerset A Maugham, “It is cruel to discover one’s mediocrity when it is much too late.”
Ernie—I suppose swagger is an aspect of charisma but probably a more external manifestation.
Love the SMaugham quote. Excellent!
Thanks for a wonderful post, Ruth. A villain should never be a cardboard cutout any more than the protagonist, and this post gives a lot of needed insight.
I will add this. Ultimately such people crave power above all else and yes they devour all those in their orbit. What I find disturbing is that with power comes responsibility, and these types of people are accountable to no one. Above the law, the crowd of admirers, untouchable, loved but not loving.
Perhaps it comes from a place of insecurity. Scarlett O’Hara raises the carrots triumphantly over her head. “I’ll never go hungry again.” I think she was one of them too.
Side note: though cozies aren’t normally my reading jam, I did go ahead and get your Park Avenue Blondes. And I’ll put my name in the hat for your East Hampton ARC. I’m trying to expand my reading habits.
Brenda—Thanks so much for the kind words. Glad to hear the post resonated with you!
Agree with your comments about the lust for power without responsibility. I love the way you expressed their need for “the crowd of admirers, untouchable, loved but not loving.”
Perhaps, as you say, comes from a place of insecurity, but also from a vast emptiness that can never be satisfied.
Please email me at Harris.Ruth.C @ or DM me on twitter @RuthHarrisBooks and I will send you a download code.
Hope you enjoy (even tho not your jam). 😉
The character in Book 1 of my series is a husband who is both physically and emotionally abusive to his wife. In Book 2 I write how he has changed and why. I loved writing this guy. I like characters whose arcs stray outside the box. Thank you for this post.
Patricia—Thank *you.” Glad you enjoyed the post.
Oooooh! Intriguing. Great beginning for a series. Sounds like you really “get” the layers that make a complex character like this.