Crisis management during an online attack needs a quick, savvy response.
by Chris Syme
I know what you’re thinking. You see the word crisis and say, that will never happen to me. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are wrong. As with all public figures, a reputation-tanking, book-disappearing, fan-stalking, Twitter-storm crisis can happen to any author.
And it could ruin your business and your reputation if you’re not prepared.
You need to know about crisis management.
Let’s face it, author businesses thrive or die online. Whether it’s a website, social media, our newsletters, online classes, bookstores like Amazon—whatever it is—our business and our reputations exist online. We may have lots of offline marketing going on, but the bulk of our livelihood is attached at the hip to the internet where the good, the bad, and the ugly hang out.
A negative online event can derail a carefully built reputation and business. In this post, I’m going to bust the five most common myths about crisis management. And in the process help you withstand trolls, scams, imposters, scheming rivals, plagiarism attacks, rumors, screw-ups, unethical reviewers, and just plain ignorance. So let’s get started.
1) I don’t need crisis management. I don’t pay attention to what’s being said about me online.
Listening is the first line of prevention when it comes to your reputation. If you don’t have your author name set up on a Google Alert, it needs to be. This is the bare minimum of prevention. These searches can be set to come to your inbox once a day. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And in online crisis, sometimes there is no cure.
If you’re not listening to the chatter around your name, you will miss the warning signs of a potentially life-changing event. On the flipside, if you’re overanxious and listen to everything, you won’t know what you’re looking for.
If you don’t know how to evaluate the severity of the crisis, you’ll respond to nothing or everything. And, if you don’t have a response plan, you will be making spur of the moment decisions fueled by emotional pressure. Or worse, you’ll be tempted to hide your head in the sand—a sure recipe for failure in this connected age. The old adage is truer in crisis than anywhere else: fail to plan – plan to fail. And you can’t afford to fail in a crisis.
2) I don’t have time to build a core group of engaged fans that will support me.
When you build engagement on social media and through your newsletter, you’re building credibility. Advocates can do more to shorten a crisis than anything you can say or do.
I have personally seen many crises cut short or averted by purposeful intervention by engaged friends, fans, and press. The sum total of your engaged network constitutes your reputation. And reputation is your biggest asset in most crisis events.
We’re not talking about taking to the internet to let loose an army of positive talking do-gooders here. We’re talking about building a network of core readers, author friends, media people, and industry friends who know you, like your books, and would do you a strategic favor if asked.
You never want to try and go online to dispel your own crisis. Everything you say when you’re under fire is gas on the fire. For a larger explanation and strategic approach to this, pick up a copy of my book, Crisis Management For Authors on Amazon.
3) I need to go to my own defense when I am being attacked: I can do my own crisis management.
This is the biggest mistake people make who don’t understand the life of a crisis—how they grow and how they go away. Yes, you are being attacked with lies. Twitter is blowing up. All your books are disappearing on Amazon and you want to take to social media and give them what for…over and over again.
Just don’t do it.
Response strategies in a crisis require carefully planned holding messages and then monitoring. Just make a statement—that’s a whole different post– and then shut up.
If you are being attacked, they won’t quit when you call them liars. Online trolls and swarms want to get a rise out of you. Stalkers want to see you panic.
If your crisis involves a publishing house, plagiarism, or a scam, your paths are legal ones—something a lot of authors don’t like dealing with. But needs must. So keep your mouth shut for your own good.
Knowing what level crisis you’re dealing with dictates your response strategy. Some things just need to be ignored. Others need immediate legal attention. Others need friends and advocates to mount a friendly support network. Every crisis is different. And there are also exceptions to every rule. But firing back only works when the author being attacked has sufficient social capital to garner everyone’s eyes, ears, and respect. That is a very small portion of authors.
4) If people start harassing me or talking about me, there’s nothing I can do.
Actually, there are lots of things you can do. You can’t stop them from blabbing, but you can do some things to slow them down.
- Report them. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all have procedures for reporting stalking, hate speech, impersonation, and more. Become familiar with them.
- Familiarize yourself with deleting, blocking and reporting features on all the social media channels where you maintain a presence. Know how to report inappropriate content, where to go to register a complaint or concern on Amazon (I’ve found using Author Central is the best way), get a manual review on an ad, and report someone who has stolen your name on a social media channel. Don’t skip this one—it will save you a ton of time when you discover something is wrong.
- Don’t engage in dishonest online practices like buying followers or reviews, adding email subscribers that haven’t opted in, buying or trading reviews, or sending out spam (or cold calling as the marketing world politely calls it). Bad habits invite crisis. Your ignorance may not get your books reinstate on Amazon. Be honest, transparent, and remember you are on rented land. You don’t own that Facebook page—you’re renting it.
- Have a posting policy on your social media sites. Stick it under your About tab. Tell people you have the right to delete, block, or report. Ask people to be civil or risk getting the boot. Have the courage to delete posts that don’t comply with the policy or block people who don’t play nice.
5) I’m not sure what I should and shouldn’t respond to, so I will just ignore it all.
This one really makes me want to pull my hair out. It doesn’t take much to teach yourself the basics about how, when, or if to respond. It all has to do with evaluating the potential crisis and knowing if it needs a response. In my book I talk about three levels of crises:
Level One Threat:
This crisis can be handled in the context of normal daily operations and resources such as email, social media channels, and blogs. Note: some of these (such as bad reviews) should just be ignored.
Examples of a level one threat might include: reviews vanishing from Amazon, another author giving you a bad review on Goodreads, a reviewer leaving a bad review on your Facebook page, a reader calling you out for grammar or editing errors in your book.
Level Two Threat:
A crisis that requires you to contact a company or entity about information that is threatening to your business platform and requires an action such as filing a complaint, filling out a form, or contacting someone directly via Messenger or email.
Examples of a level two threat include: Someone has set up a Twitter profile pretending to be you, receiving an email from Amazon asking you to validate the ownership of one of your books someone else is claiming ownership to, books disappearing from an online bookstore, or losing access to your Facebook page. All these require action on your part.
Level Three Threat:
This has the potential to impact your whole platform or business and may require outside help from a lawyer or PR specialist. This also includes any crisis that involves a “swarm.” A swarm is an angry mob on social media that has been activated by an individual or organization designed to ruin someone’s reputation or business, or is designed to pressure the target to perform an action the mob deems important. Never hesitate to contact a lawyer for a consultation if you feel you need one.
Examples of a level three threat include: “swarm attacks” on social media either instigated by another author, disgruntled readers, a political group, or an unknown source. Level three may also include illegal actions you are accused of, either rightfully or wrongfully.
It may also include something on the level of losing all your books on Amazon due to an algorithm irregularity that identifies you as a scammer.
Busting the myths of crisis management is mostly about crisis prevention and education. Know when to act and when to keep quiet. Learn how to work offline to garner support. Go back to number four and do everything there for a start. Set up a Google Alert for each one of your author names.
You might not be able to avert a crisis but it doesn’t need to bring you down if you learn the basics of crisis management.
by Chris Syme (@ChrisSyme) September 15, 2019
What about you, scriveners? Have you ever been the victim of an online attack? Have trolls suddenly infested your blog, or swarms of misguided zealots hit you with tons of one-star Amazon reviews? Do crazies leave nasty memes on your Facebook page for no apparent reason? Or worse–as once happened to me–have mysterious evildoers sent you a photo of your house, saying “we’ll get you”? (Yeah, I wish I’d had Chris around then.)
Chris Syme is CEO of CKSyme Media Group, which specializes in online book marketing services for authors. SMART Marketing For Authors, the learning arm of CKSyme Media Group, offers online classes for authors interested in learning the best strategies for selling books and building loyal fan bases, whether indie or traditionally published.
Chris is a sought after expert on book marketing and social media training. She has provided expert opinions for the media including MSNBC, Digital Book World, Sports Illustrated, and numerous magazines and digital news organizations.
She is the author of four book marketing books. Her newest book, The Author’s Guide To Selling More Books With Less Marketing is currently available as an e-book exclusively on Amazon (revised in 2019).
Chris Syme may be reached for expert opinions for media and crisis management at
This great little book could save you a whole lot of grief.
Crisis Management for Authors is available at Amazon
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Featured image South African firefighter 2017, photo by Steven Terblanche
Wow. There are moments it occurs to me that perhaps it’s a good thing to remain obscure, to never get that incredible breakout novel published. Fascinating stuff.
You’d think that, wouldn’t you? However, if you don’t own a publishing house you’re still at the mercy of the online publishers. Not all crises are aimed at you. Some come at your products. Just be prepared and know your options!
Thanks, Chris.
What do you do when the social media site doesn’t provide guidelines or respond to reports of a problem?
Facebook regularly blocks many authors from posting in groups — with a canned message that provides no details about how they can mend their dastardly ways. Appealing their bot’s decision elicits zero response.
I’ve been working on this problem for months. Every time I think I’ve found an aha moment, I’m knocked down again.
You might classify this as Level One, but extended blocking could interfere with an author’s livelihood.
It is frustrating Kathy. Do you have any idea why the content is being blocked. Is it around a trigger topic? Facebook is not being too tolerant these days of anything that smacks of hate, threats, inciting, that kind of stuff. There is no free speech on Facebook. Why do you think they are blocking people?
No idea, Chris. I share my latest blog updates on Wednesdays. They’re always informative and receive interaction from readers on Facebook. I’ve been whittling down the number of groups. Some weeks I can post in more, some weeks less.
The rest of the week, I post my Writer’s Lexicon books to a few groups in the morning and a few more late in the day. I always include an excerpt with useful information. For example, this morning’s:
Excerpt, Vol. II:
“Nice” … doesn’t pack a lot of punch.
Let’s explore a few examples and analyze how we could revise them. …
– It was a nice day.
– It was a pleasant day.
“Pleasant” to a skier could mean sunny and cold after a night of snow. A surfer might welcome a windy day, but a snorkeler would prefer calm conditions:
– Marie gazed up the slope as she waited in line for the T-bar. Sunlight streamed through the treetops, glistening on the fresh snow. She inhaled the crisp air, and smiled.
– Marie gazed at the ocean. Wavelets rippled toward shore, reflecting sunlight that sparkled like tiny gems among the brilliant blues and greens. She inhaled the scent of seaweed, and grinned as she pulled on her snorkeling fins.
The appeal of the day is shown in both paragraphs without resorting to synonyms for “nice.”
Even though I don’t vary my activity, and I’m providing helpful info, some days I’m blocked — and the blocks occur when I’m not even online. The most recent one occurred on Friday at 11:09 p.m. The last entry in my activity log was about an hour prior to that.
All I can figure is that maybe I’ve upset someone who has decided to report my posts. *sigh* But why Facebook would respond by blocking my group activity is a mystery.
Kathy–I think you’re right. Somebody sees your posts in several groups and complains. Who knows why. Maybe they disagree with you on the Oxford comma. 🙂 I got blocked once because somebody complained. Never knew why. Then they put me in FB jail. I stopped posting in any groups for a while, then joined new ones. Eventually I could post anywhere. My enemy had obviously moved to greener pastures.
You’re probably right, Anne.
I can’t remember saying anything that would offend anyone. However, I deleted a few political comments on my timeline. And I am a believer in the Oxford comma.
We sure live in a hate-filled, vindictive, you-better-not-say-anything-politically-incorrect, judgmental world.
New FB rules state that author blogs can only be posted to your business profile, never your personal feed or groups. That’s probably the trouble.
Kessie- I certainly have not seen this “rule” and I follow Facebook’s platform pretty close. I think the term “author blog” is not definitive enough. It’s the purpose of the blog that counts. Facebook has never allowed people to promote or sell on their profiles–that has been a rule since the beginning of pages. I don’t think they are going to flag your profile for putting links to your blog posts unless there is “sales language” in the post.
Chris—Thanks for a valuable, helpful—and scary—post. ~shudders~
You are welcome Ruth
I get the occasional troll on my blog but simply turning on comment moderation on posts over two weeks old is usually enough to deter them (and it also stops people posting spam just for the backlinks to their own websites). Someone posting a correction to an article is fine, someone flat out calling my post “unproven bulls**t” (It was about superstitions, what was he expecting?!) and attacking another commenter is absolutely not.
Icy–Chris will have her own take on this, but I’ve found there seems to be a huge uptick in troll comments recently. Mostly drunks who skim the headers and decide it’s time to let all their suppressed rage out to play. I used to read and consider each negative comment, but no more. They all go to trash, asap. Maybe there are fewer blogs with comments, so they prowl around until they find ones like ours.
I’m going to follow Chis’s advice and post new blog rules.Anybody who is disrespectful in expressing an opinion goes to Trash. Ditto anybody who has obviously not read the post.
Icy-it’s your real estate. You make the rules. Nothing wrong with deleting crap that isn’t civil.
I’ve only had two individuals try to attack and cause harm. One faded quickly and the other one did slowly over time. But I never directly engaged that individual and since he didn’t have friends to get involved, he soon lost interest. Although I did watch someone else engage with this individual and it resulted in a lot of online bashing and one-star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.
Alex- You’ve got the first rule of engagement right: don’t engage. Especially on Amazon. One time my daughter got a review on an historical romance where the reviewer claimed she had some of her facts wrong. She tried to reply apologetically and then the reviewer let loose on a tirade that lasted for several comments. Best just to let it go or say thank you and move on.
So I guess ignoring them won’t make them go away.
I am never been in this situation.
Still, this post was very helpful.
Thank you, Chris!
Sometimes ignoring them is the only way to make them go away. Depends on what the trouble is about.
This is why I struggle with even being online. Another potential headache that will need to be dealt with. Thankfully I don’t write YA which I hear has vicious vindictive followers and sometimes even fellow authors that do this. Recently read about their tactics with a debut writer who ended up shelving her book due to their attacks.
It is unfortunate that we seem to be living in a vitriolic culture. And, everyone is definitely entitled to their opinion whether it’s civil or spewing. Makes me sad for the very reason you stated–it stops a lot of very talented and creative people from pursuing their craft.
It is such a shame that people can terrorize others with sheer ignorance and/or meanness. On another level, people give advice here and there on very serious topics based on a a few sentences.
Good to know these tips.
Chris, a very valuable post that I’ll bookmark for future re-reads. The online universe has provided amazing publishing and no-cost ways to build an author platform but it’s a two-edged sword. We often feel quite alone and vulnerable to trolls and hackers. Arming ourselves with knowledge is essential to building long term success. Thanks!
Carmen- I love the phrase “two-edged sword.” It perfectly describes the online world. Thanks for weighing in.
I especially like No. 2, develop “a core group of engaged fans that will support me.” I think this is an excellent idea (for many reasons).