Radical revision may be what that broken WIP needs.
by Ruth Harris
The lights are red. All signs are Stop Signs.
That stack of pages you thought was going to be a book? You know, with characters, a setting, maybe even a plot? Somehow, it’s been lost in a desert of false starts, dead ends and dead darlings.
Why? What happened?
You’re only the author—so right now you’re the last to know where you went wrong. You’ve worked so hard and for so long that you’ve lost all perspective.
Still, you do know you’re nowhere near the stage where even the savviest crit group or genius editor can bail you out.
How about you fix grammar, cut adverbs, and/or replace weak words with stronger words? Won’t that gloss your book to a high polish? Forget it. Won’t help. Or at least, not yet.
You’re in the middle of a mess with, you’re convinced, no way out.
You are not alone.
Noted mystery author Lou Berney faced the same dilemma when he was writing the first draft of his new bestseller, November Road. He discussed the difference between wrong and hard in an extensive interview in the Los Angeles Review of Books.
“For the first five or so months I worked on my novel, I just thought it was going to be hard. I’m used to hard. Most writers are. You put your head down, keep working, and gut it out. But the more I kept working, it was like trying to play through the pain of a ruptured appendix. It was like trying to dig yourself out of a grave.”
We’ve all been where Lou was. Maybe even more than once, but this time feels like the worst. You feel the wheels have come off.
You’re tearing your hair, weeping buckets, cursing the fates—and anyone who crosses your path.
You don’t know where you’ve gone wrong, much less how to fix it.
You thought you had a great idea, but that was once upon a time. Now you’re miserable.
So was Lou Berney.
Radical revision can take you from broken book to bestseller.
After working hard, only to fail again and again, Lou eventually realized he had chosen the wrong MC. When he went radical and turned the MC into the antagonist, new ideas grew life. He was able to create a new MC with a defined character arc and, armed with the results of his radical reinvention, new avenues opened up and he was able to reimagine the story.
The book that had been causing Lou so much misery, came alive.
Let your creativity come to the rescue.
I’m talking about working with what we have—even though it’s the worst thing you ever wrote. Or at least you feel that way.
Now, when things look their darkest, when you feel completely stalled, when you think you will never finish your #%$^ book and wonder why you even started it, is not the time to give up.
Now, when you feel your worst, is the time to go radical: back off, loosen up and have fun.
Go wild. Let ‘er rip.
The point of radical revision is to free yourself from the infinite loop of dead ends and false starts in which you’re trapped. Here are just a few thoughts about ways to rid yourself of stale thinking and get you started—
- Make a list of the dumbest, wackiest, craziest ideas you can think of. Don’t prejudge. Turn them over in your mind. Sleep on them. Talk about them to writer friends or, in fact, to anyone who will listen. See where they lead.
- Scroll through Twitter, pick up a newspaper or turn on the news for an almost infinite source of outrageous doings, whacko ideas, and weird, can-you-believe-this? stories. Look for inspiration in the nuttiest comments from vote-whoring politicians or ego-addled narcissistic “celebrities.”
- If you’re so down in the dumps, you still can’t think of anything, steal a plot or character from your favorite book, movie or tv show—and then turn it on its head and change it.
- Or, maybe even better, steal from a movie or tv show you hate watch because anger is a great motivator.
- Have a douible espresso or a glass of wine and brainstorm with your long-suffering spouse/partner/best friend.
- Rummage through the plot capsules and reviews at IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes for more ideas.
Then, with some ammunition at hand, rethink your book.
As always, duplicate your documents before you start to tinker (or blast away.)
Reuse, Recycle, Reimagine.
If parts of your book work, save them and, like a good cook facing a fridge full of leftovers, think about how you can use them as a basis for reinvention or even creating a new book.
Delete the story line/chapter/scenes that drag you down and, with your crazy new ideas in mind, go to work on the parts that currently don’t work but may well have promise.
It might be much less traumatic than you think.
In fact, you might actually have a good time.
The point of radical revision is to get out of your own way and put the fun and excitement back into your stalled epic.
The chapter (or scene) that doesn’t work.
- Write the scene from another character’s POV.
- View a dinner party scene from the POV of a spilled glass of wine.
- Write a baseball scene from the POV of the catcher’s glove.
- Find the point of the scene (there is one, isn’t there?) and flip it.
- Play with tone, voice and plot point and see what you come up with.
- Throw in a joke.
- Kill someone.
- Put them in a wheelchair.
- Maybe a coma would be better?
- Get them laid. Good sex, bad sex, funny sex, mercy sex. Doesn’t matter as long as you hack a way out of your dead end.
- If worse comes to worse, and the chapter doesn’t work no matter how hard you try and how much time you put into fixing it, consider deleting it. I did that once—I simply deleted the whole damn thing (with lots of trepidation) and was amazed that getting rid of that one chapter gave the book the energy it had been missing.
- Consider the possibility that the scene you’ve been struggling with is one you don’t need. Its crucial information (if there is any) can be slipped judiciously into other chapters. At least that’s what happened when, out of desperation, I tried radical surgery on a scene that just wouldn’t come to life.
The boring character.
A personality transplant can come to the rescue:
- Turn Yolanda Yawn into a fire-breathing dragon.
- Give Andy Accountant a superpower. (Get your mind our of the gutter. Or maybe not. Depends on what you’re writing.)
- Make Betty Blah the Vice President (of a big corporation/a country/the church building fund). She’s part of a plot to kill the president. Until she isn’t. Why? Who betrayed her? Did she fall in love with the guy she was planning to kill? Did he fall in love with her? Or did she conclude it was all too much hassle and decided to move to the mountains and start a new life in a log cabin? Then what happened?
- Take a cue from Lou Berney and turn your good guy into the villain.
- Or vice versa
Too good to be true.
- She’s your MC, she’s a princess, kind, beautiful, generous, marries a handsome prince and lives HEA. Yep a fairy tale. Classic but kinda meh, right?
- Start with the beautiful princess, but then what?
- She’s in an accident and loses her looks?
- Does the evil prince next door plot to steal her kingdom?
- Does her rotten step-mother replace her mirror with one that distorts?
- How does she cope with being a plain princess no one would look at once? Never mind twice.
- What about turning her into an ogre who lives in a stolen or haunted castle?
Too many characters?
- Here is a minefield: Don’t confuse the reader with character overload.
- Here is where you must prune, cut, delete, combine.
- Deadbeat David and Billionaire Bob are brothers who don’t have much in common, but when DD develops a rare disease, BB funds research that cures him. Followed by hugs and healing.
- Good but more than a touch predictable, don’t you think?
- Why not combine DD and BB into an only child who rises to the top of her profession despite having a rare disease. How does she overcome the challenges? Does she hide her health issues and what happens if her rival finds out? What if she uses her health issues to get unfair, preferential treatment? Is she faking the disease and just outplaying the guys? And how does her husband/boy friend/best friend/ family react to her amazing success? Admiring? Jealous? Proud? Threatened?
- Or go nuclear and just delete one (or more) extraneous character. You’ll feel a lot better. Really.
Change a setting:
Force your characters to react to new geography and the challenges that come with it.
- A fly-specked rust belt diner to a glistening farm-to-table organic feeding station in a distant galaxy.
- A warm, sunny Caribbean singles resort to a cold, gloomy Arctic research station.
- The center of ever-so-chic Paris to a filthy, disease-ridden slum in Southeast Asia.
- A Park Avenue penthouse to a backwoods out house. (OK, just kidding, but you get the idea.)
Change the chronology.
- Move the conservative 1950s to the go-go 1960’s.
- Or from present-day Montreal to a gold rush frontier town in California in the 1880’s
- Go from 1066 and the creation of the Magna Carta to 1981 and the creation of MTV.
- Or from the front lines and idealism of the Spanish Civil War to the squalor and defiant rage of Vietnam.
Bottom Line: Think Different.
The point of radical revision is to trust your own creativity to force yourself out of the lane in which you’ve been stuck.
Rules are for math, chemistry and pro sports, not writers. You will find that when you set your imagination free, your craziest, wildest, most off-the-wall ideas will often lead the way to the solution.
Think Different worked for Steve Jobs.
Ditto for Einstein and MLK and Pable Picasso.
Also worked for Lou Berney.
Wny not let your creativity work for you, too?
by Ruth Harris (@RuthHarrisBooks) October 28, 2018
What about you, scriveners? Have you ever needed to make radical revisions to your WIP? Have you ever changed the time period (that one intrigues me!) Do you end up with too many characters? Did the radical revisions hurt when you did them, or did they feel satisfying?
Anne is over at her book blog this week, talking about how Dear Abby and Ann Landers helped spread the Myth of Poisoned Halloween candy
Ruth’s NYT bestseller is now absolutely FREE!
“A SPECTACULAR, RICHLY PLOTTED NOVEL. Racing to a shocking climax, this glittering novel is first-class entertainment, a story of love and money, and how both are made, lost, and found again.” ...New York Times
WOW! WOMEN ON WRITING FALL FLASH FICTION CONTEST $10 ENTRY FEE; CRITIQUE OPTION FOR AN ADDITIONAL $10. Deadline November 30, 2018. The honorable guest judge this season is Literary Agent Heather Flaherty with The Bent Agency. Short fiction of any genre: 250 – 750 words. Reprints and multiple submissions okay. Limit: 300 entries. First Place: $400, publication, interview, and $25 Amazon Gift Certificate. Many great 2nd, 3rd, 4th place prizes. Top 10 stories to be published in Women On Writing ezine. Deadline November 30.
SERVICESCAPE SHORT STORY AWARD NO ENTRY FEE. They’re looking for any genre of short fiction. Maximum 5,000 words. Prize is $1000 in addition to publication in SERVICESCAPE. Deadline November 30.
Columbia College Literary Review Editors’ Prize contest. FREE! They’re looking for creative nonfiction or fiction. Up to 5000 words. Prize: $100 and publication in the 2018 edition of CCLR. Deadline December 1.
Bad Dream Horror/Humor Anthology. They’re looking for original horror fiction with a strong sense of comedy. They discourage old tropes like vampires, zombies & werewolves. 1500-8000 words. Pays 6c a word plus royalties. Deadline Dec. 31st.
DISQUIET LITERARY PRIZES $15 ENTRY FEE. Fiction, Poetry, and Nonfiction categories. Up to 25 pages for prose 10 pages for poetry. The top fiction winner will be published on Granta.com, the nonfiction winner in Ninthletter.com, and the poetry winner in The Common. The grand prize winner will receive a full scholarship including tuition, lodging, and a $1,000 travel stipend to Lisbon in 2019. Runners-up and other outstanding entrants will receive financial aid. Deadline January 10, 2019.
Don’t let those published short stories stop working! Here are 25 Literary Magazines that will take reprints.
Excellent advice, Ruth, especially the section about character overload.
Some of the books I’ve read and liked could have been many times better if the number of characters had been cut. A person who appears once or twice doesn’t need to be described. A name is often unnecessary, too. “The flight attendant,” “the baker,” or “the security guard” might be all that’s required.
Kathy—Thanks! Completely agree about character overload and you make a great point about minor characters often not even needing a name. “The delivery guy” will do the job just fine. Especially if he just arrived with some great pizza!
Ha! I’ve just embarked on what I’m calling a Monster Revision of my WIP — not quite the radical revisions you’re mentioning here, but still… I’m hoping it’s a good sign that though I’d really rather just be done with it, I’m feeling reinvigorated by the new direction. Thanks for another fine post.
CS—Call it anything you like, but the fact you’re feeling reinvigorated is definitely an indication you’re on the right track. Good luck with your revision!
Thanks. You’ve just given me a few fresh ideas about a the first of a scifi trilogy that has gone through innumerable false starts and deadly drafts. I may give it another go.
Lisa—Thanks! I hope one of your fresh ideas will do the job and get you going in the right direction. 🙂
Get them laid! Funny. One of my critique partners suggested that very thing for one of my characters. Said a good romp in the hay would make it all better.
Thanks for such an extensive list. I need this right now for the project I’m working on. Maybe I’ll drop a bus on someone…
Alex—Drop a bus on them while they’re getting laid? Gee, whatta way to go. Excellent thinking. Creativity to the rescue every time!
Super column on a difficult topic! Ruth, yuppers. I took a full length mystery, half written, that was killing me. Turned it into a much shorter Rapid Read for Orca books by removing two supporting characters. Nearly killed me to remove them and their scenes. Plus the rewriting needed. But I saw that the book didn’t have enough plot for 70,000 words, yet worked really shnazzy as a novella. That book is The B-Team, which came out in Feb and appears to be a national bestseller (will know for sure when royalty reports come in December.) So losing those ho-hum scenes paid off. And I learned my lesson. Not every idea has to be a 70,000 word novel.
Melodie—This is just great! Thanks for sharing a perfect example of what I’m talking about. The courage to make a radical revision turned ho-hum into a bestseller! What could be better?
Interesting and solid tips for a troublesome Wip. Might also work for a troublesome re-write of a previously published vanity novella (if I only knew then what I know now). Came to a screeching halt with my rewrite as when I got to the first chapter of the novella, I decided to refresh my memory by reading it. Came to the horrifying conclusion that it doesn’t make sense. Normally I can find some small snippet of a plot to work with but…..wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Sorry, just needed to vent for a nano-second. I will definitely give those excellent points some serious thought so that I can get back to working on it again.
G.B.—awwww! I know how you feel. Maybe try letting a variety of possibilities swirl around in your head. See if anything clicks. Might not be right away but eventually something might jell. Hang in!
Ruth, great advice and a great list of ways to hit the refresh button. One piece of advice I recall when I’m struggling is that if I’m bored, so is the reader! I learned this lesson while writing an 800 (!!) page first draft of a book completely from the female MC’s POV. Other characters were constantly explaining things that they’d done or seen. Yikes! When I wrote events from other POVs, the book clicked and lost lots of weight! The important lesson is not to be so in love with your draft and direction that you can’t change it up.
Carmen—Yes! If the writer is bored, imagine the poor reader. Boredom is a certain signal that “something” has got to change. Once you figure out what the “something” is, a lot of problems will disappear almost as if by magic. Sounds like you did exactly the right thing!
Well I’ve done almost every thing you could do to a ms. I think I listened to too many people as to what I needed to do to it. I’ve changed it so many times and been through so many trend changes over the years I’m not sure what my theme, plot, journey or thought was when I started. I do remember and still have the first synopsis for a class I had when in college ( don’t panic, I didn’t start till the 80’s and went to night school so was a little slow) the teacher was the head of the Creative Writing thought it was good and when I finished it should sell.
I’ve changed their names so many times I don’t remember them all. I do really remember the first draft I loved. I made a copy of the final draft about 4 years ago and loved the story but then it had to lay until life turned me inside out for about 3 years so I’m trying to crawl back up on the horse. I re-read it and can’t seem to get interested in it or any others I’ve started.
I decided to give the whole idea up (even have a nice office ready for me to get back) and all is going ok except for that lump of coal that won’t start burning bright and won’t let me have any peace.
ANY help offered will be welcome.
50–Ruth will have some wise words for you, but I wanted to jump in and say sometimes it’s time to put a work aside and start on something else. Or take one chapter or scene from the old WIP and start something completely different. I wrote about that a few months ago. http://bit.ly/2yG6k86
50—I agree completely with Anne and would also refer you to her post. The fact that you can’t seem to get interest in it (or anything else you’ve started in the past) might well mean that you have outgrown the themes/characters that intrigued you earlier in your career. Perhaps it’s time to put the past behind you and move forward.
It may also be that whatever is bugging you about that lump of coal will take even more time to resolve. Writing a book often takes much more time than we think.
Imagination and fantasy are fast. Execution can be s-l-o-w.
I would also draw your attention to Lou Berney’s comment about the difference between “hard” and “wrong.” Perhaps a focus on that difference might help?
Meanwhile, try not to obsess. Remember that we’re creative and our creativity will often lead us to unexpected solutions.
Both of you and the authors you referred me to have all been a great help. I recognized many of your suggestions as thoughts I have had and have not tried since my advice so far had to do rewrite/revise. I think the burning coal I feel is telling me start something new and be open minded about what I write. I think this may be the best thing I have been offered advice wise. Thank you all so much. I feel like I’m headed in the right direction. WOW I feel ready to start dreaming of a whole new theme. Thanks again!
Thanks so much I read the article you referenced and it sure gives me food for thought.
Thank you, Ruth, for some really good suggestions for creating a more interesting novel. I’m at a “stuck” point right now. I have an idea for my next book but that’s as far as I have been able to go. I can’t seem to spin off anything from that one idea. You’ve given me some great hints on how to go from here. Thank you.
Patricia—Thanks, I’m glad to hear that some of my suggestions are helpful. One other thing I can add is to research anything relevant to your novel. I know that people often recommend to leave research until later, but I have found so many ideas as I research a subject. I may not use any of them directly, but they often lead me to others ideas of my own. See if spending a few hours on Google can lead to new, interesting directions.
Good luck!
Thank you for this post! Perfect timing for me 🙂 I am currently in the middle of the third first draft of my second WIP. Some of the betas pointed out that there were bits they found difficult to understand (true), that some of it was predictable (true), but the most important bit of advice I got was “I noticed you were rushing through the first chapters to get to the real good stuff”.
This is why the first chapters are now gone, important bits appear as flashbacks, and the novel starts now at what used to be chapter seven out of 21. (Also it’s now a trilogy, which was never planned, at least not by me. The story decided that it doesn’t feel like ending where it was supposed to.)
Bjørn—Thanks for telling us about your experience with your WiP and betas. Figuring out how to start your novel in the right place is so important. Sometimes our first chapters are the way we “warm up” until we get to the good stuff!
Anne and I have both written about approaches to writing first chapters. Perhaps you will find something useful in our own experiences.