Yes! Traditional publishing is possible after self-publishing.
by Eldonna Edwards
I’d been writing a novel off-and-on for over a decade when life threw me one of those cosmic curveballs that sent me careening in a totally different direction. Actually, it was more like me running onto the field and catching a curveball between the eyes, or in this case, in the kidney.
What happened was that I decided to donate an organ to a complete stranger and ended up being featured in a documentary about living donation. While traveling with the filmmaker I discovered that people had more questions for me than I could answer in a brief Q&A at the screenings.
I decided to put my novel on hold and started a memoir to better explain why I chose to give away a kidney to someone I didn’t know.
Perfect Strangers, the documentary that followed my living donation, was already making the festival circuit by the time I finished the book.
I wanted to get the memoir out while the story was still fresh and relevant.
I hoped other people would be inspired to consider living donation or, at the very least, become aware of the tragic shortage of organ donors.
The best case scenario would be if I immediately signed an agent who then sold my book. I also understood that even then, it would likely be two-three years before my memoir hit the bookshelf.
I wasn’t willing to wait that long.
Self-Publishing my Memoir
So I rolled up my sleeves and dove in. I researched how to self-publish as I created a website, opened a Facebook author page, and networked with other indie authors. I launched my book in January of 2014. Over the next year I built a following on social media. It consisted of kidney donors, transplant recipients, people who’d seen the film on PBS and strangers who’d just happened upon my book and liked it.
LOST IN TRANSPLANTATION was well-received and I was fortunate to enjoy favorable reviews. What surprised me most about those reviews is that they weren’t just about my story, but the way I’d written it.
This feedback is what gave me the confidence to finally polish my novel and begin querying agents. Today’s writers are very fortunate to have options when it comes to choosing what works best for us and our books.
As with most choices, the best answer isn’t always obvious.
Five Reasons Self-Publishing Might Be For You
1) You’re the head honcho.
It’s no accident that for most of my adult life I’ve been self-employed. From Realtor to business owner to author, I much prefer steering my own ship, thank you very much.
I’m a born problem-solver, so it drives me crazy to sit back and wait for others when I can clearly see a fix, but don’t have the authority to implement my solution. If you’re a control-freak like me, taking the self-publishing route will allow you to make all the choices. You can control the publication, presentation and promotion of your book.
2) Because… instant gratification.
You can count on waiting 2-3 years between selling a book to a traditional publisher and seeing it on the bookstore shelf. That doesn’t include the months (years?) of trying to find a well-connected literary agent prior to selling said book.
With the indie route, once your book is ready, you can make it available as an eBook or through POD almost instantly.
3) More money for you.
You’re not paying a commission to an agent—usually fifteen percent—and another chunk to a publishing house. And you’re also not waiting six months for a royalty check. This, of course, assumes that people are buying your book and you’re actually making money.
4) You own the rights.
One big advantage as an Indie is that you can revise your book and publish a new edition, change the cover art, trademark your brand and use excerpts in blogs or articles any ol’ time you feel like it.
Most pub houses have language in the contract that prohibits you from using any content from your book without written permission.
Also, if a publisher goes belly-up, you’re screwed unless you’ve covered that aspect in your contract and even then, it can be difficult (read: money, time and lawyers) to regain rights to your work.
5) Real time sales figures.
As an indie, you’ll have access to your sales figures with the click of a mouse. Traditional houses normally report bi-annually, when they send your royalty check.
And Five Reasons Self-Publishing is A Pain in The Arse
1) It’s a steep learning curve.
With my memoir I had to research the different indie outlets, learn how to format my book (I finally gave up and hired someone to do it), create a professional-looking website, come up with my own marketing plan, track sales, order books, mail books, respond to media inquiries and I had to all this without the help of a PR team or assistants.
It’s a LOT of work and takes patience and dedication and there are days you’d sooner sign up for a triple root canal.
2) Haters gonna hate.
Let’s be honest, people sometimes tend to brush off indie authors as not being “good enough” to land a publishing deal which is unfair. Most indies self-publish by choice for all the reasons noted above. In my case, time was of the essence; my book came on the tail of a documentary that featured my mission to donate a kidney.
I’d have missed a huge window of opportunity to expand and fuse my personal donation story with the documentary. And yet the self-publishing stigma persists. In fairness, there’s a reason for the stigma. Too many self-published authors don’t bother to hire a good developmental editor or professional cover designer. Unfortunately this reflects on all self-published authors.
3) You don’t know Jack…or Jill, or Julie or John for that matter.
Traditional publishers have longstanding lists of contacts including magazine and newspaper editors, radio hosts, and book bloggers with whom they’ve built strong relationships. As an Indie you’ll have to build your own list, one at a time, and you’ll not likely find a lot of those doors flung open to welcome you and your self-published book.
4) Deep pockets.
In order for a book to be successful you’re going to have to be willing to spend more than a few dollars on things like a good developmental editor, proofreader, web designer, decent cover designer, and advertising. Yes, you can do all those things yourself or hire a Fiverr but if your book design and/or website look amateur so will you.
5) Burnout.
Writing and publishing a book is just the first step. After that there’s marketing, blogging, writing newsletters, attending book events, responding to email, and ordering and shipping books. Not to mention keeping up your Facebook/Twitter/Instagram accounts. It’s no surprise that this level of activity isn’t sustainable for many of the uninitiated.
You’ll still be expected to build your platform with a traditional publisher, but with a lot more support.
Why Traditional Publishing?
People sometimes ask me why I didn’t self-publish my novel. Why hand over my rights and potential income when I’d already learned how to publish and market a book myself?
There are definite advantages to both paths toward publication but I decided that I wanted this book handled by the pros. You only get one shot as a debut novelist and I didn’t want to blow it.
I queried about thirty agents and received several read requests before choosing someone I felt was the best fit for my work. She sold my novel in a two-book deal. I know my agent and my editor both loved my book but what I also know is that having already built a platform combined with my unique backstory as a living donor didn’t hurt.
And here’s the thing. Yes, I could have published THIS I KNOW myself, but personally I think most fiction is a lot harder to market on your own than non-fiction or memoir.
With non-fiction, you have a built-in target based off your topic or specialty. Fiction is much more subjective. It made more sense to bet my chips on a publisher who’d already fine-tuned readership data to know exactly what demographic would be best-suited for my novel.
Five Reasons to Consider Traditional Publishing.
1) Credibility.
Right out of the gate, your book has built-in cred simply because a publisher as much as told them so by publishing it. Retail book-buyers, industry reviewers, bloggers and readers are more likely to assume that if a publisher was willing to put their money and their reputation behind a book, they must believe in it.
Unfortunately, many newspapers, magazines, bloggers and libraries won’t even consider reviewing a self-published book.
2) Publicity.
As I noted above, one of the most difficult barriers for a self-published author is getting past the gatekeepers. The PR team at most mid-to-large publishing houses have calibrated the path between their books and publicity outlets. Some have bigger budgets than others and you will still be expected to rattle some cages, but you’ll have a partner. My publisher, for example, sent me stickers, bookplates, and memes (for use in social media).
They send out hundreds of ARCs (advance review copies) to all the people on their lists to help create early buzz. And they do it all on their dime.
3) Distribution.
My novel will be available online and at all the usual bookstores, but thanks to agreements with distributors, people will be able to buy it at Target and Costco and Walmart, stores where it’s almost impossible to place a self-published book.
4) You (hopefully) get paid up front.
As a debut author (unless you get lucky enough for your book to go to auction) your advance likely won’t be enough to retire on, but it will buy you a little time to work on your next book or take a vacation…or buy some hummus at Whole Foods. 🙂
Even if your book tanks, that money is yours to keep. If your book earns back the advance, then the royalties kick in.
5) You’re not alone.
Having gone both the self and trade publishing routes, I can’t tell you how good it feels to have the editor, the PR team, the social media people, and all their assistants constantly working in the background to support me and my book. Any one of them are just an email or a phone call away.
Five Scary Things About Traditional Publishing.
1) It’s all about the bottom line.
If your book doesn’t do well you can be dropped.
Unless you have a multi-book deal, if your first book doesn’t earn back the advance, your publisher might not be excited about buying your next book. Other publishers have access to the sales records, so they might not be interested in taking a chance on you either.
2) You just gave up your rights.
This one is self-explanatory. Basically, you no longer own your work, the publisher does. You’ll need permission to quote your own book or excerpt it for an article.
They don’t even have to publish it if they change their minds. (Although most contracts include a clause that returns your rights after a specified period).
3) The dreaded deadline.
Some people do well under pressure. But if deadlines stress you out, traditional publishing might not be for you. You will have due dates for the completed ms, for revisions, for proofs, for acknowledgments, for reader’s guides, and for a full outline of the next book. Assuming there is a next book.
If you flub a deadline, it could nullify your contract.
4) You’re no longer the boss of you.
Some publishers might welcome your creative input. But unless clearly stated in your contract, they will have the final say on your cover design, title, audiobook narrator and cover copy.
In my case my editor loved the title. And I was thrilled with the cover the design team came up with for THIS I KNOW. But I’ve heard from authors who were terribly disappointed.
5) You can’t peddle books yourself.
The publisher usually sends one case of author copies but these are only for giving as gifts or for use as prizes. You can buy more copies at a discount from the publisher but again, they are not to be resold.
If you want to sell books at an event you’ll need to have a bookstore present for sales. The upside of this is that you earn royalties on those sales.
Why I’m Happy With Traditional Publishing.
I balanced these pros and cons because I didn’t want to show favoritism to one or the other. But the truth is, having done both, I find traditional publishing works best for me. The biggest reason is that with a publisher’s team working in the background, I have more time to write the next book.
I learned a lot through my indie publishing experience and I certainly wouldn’t discourage anyone from taking that route. What matters is not the path you choose, but that it moves you closer to your goals.
by Eldonna Edwards (@Eldonna Edwards) May 13, 2018
What about you, scriveners? Which path to publishing is more appealing to you? Leave your questions and comments below and I’ll do my best to answer all. Thank you Anne R. Allen for inviting me as a guest on your wonderful, informative blog!
Eldonna Edwards is a beloved writer’s conference instructor and former therapeutic journaling facilitator, who “cut her teeth” as she puts it, on the back of Southern Baptist pews in her provincial Midwest hometown.
The voice in her debut novel THIS I KNOW comes straight from the heart. Eldonna’s earlier memoir LOST IN TRANSPLANTATION chronicles a life-changing decision to donate a kidney to a stranger. She currently lives and writes on California’s Central Coast.
Set in a small Midwest town in the late 1960s and helmed by an unforgettable young protagonist–compassionate, uncannily wise Grace–This I Know is a luminous coming-of-age story from an astonishing new voice.
This I Know is available at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Google Play, Thrift Books, and iTunes
Central Coasters: Don’t miss the “Writers in Action: From Idea to Publication” Workshop on May 19th! 1-day workshop by Sisters in Crime, Central Coast at the PG&E Energy Center in San Luis Obispo. Should be a lot of fun. Here’s a link to the application form and lunch menu.
13 Imprints of Big 5 publishers who take unagented submissions. From the good people at Authors Publish Magazine.
Prophecy Creek Book Award for Speculative Fiction. Prize $1,000 and publication by Hidden River Publishing. Any length novel that includes elements of science fiction, supernatural fiction, or fantasy. $22 fee. Deadline May 15.
48 Small Presses looking for children’s books. Collated and vetted by Authors Publish magazine. (Great resource!)
Smokelong Quarterly Flash Fiction contest. $13 Fee. Under 1000 words. Nominates for Pushcart. Must never have been published (including on blogs.) $1500 prize plus publication. Runner-up prizes, too. Deadline May 20th.
Nowhere Spring Travel Writing Contest $10 Fee. 800-5000 words showing a powerful sense of place: Fiction or nonfiction. Previous publication okay. $1000 prize plus publication in Nowhere magazine. Deadline May 31st
The William Faulkner Short Story Award. Fee is $20 previously unpublished fiction up to 10,000 words. This is one that looks really good in your bio. Prizes $600, $300, $200. Winners announced at a ceremony at Faulkner’s birthplace. Deadline July 31.
I’m with a small publisher, which was the best choice for me since I had no experience. I can order books and sell them myself though. And fortunately royalty checks come every three months.
Great list of pros and cons for writers considering their options.
Hi Alex. I recently discovered a source for ordering my books directly from the distributor for selling my books at private venues which is really helpful. It sounds like the indie type has been very successful for you. Congratulations!
Totally lays out the two mirrors, lets us choose which one to step through. Thanks very much Eldonna!
Just seeing the part about rights was enough for me. The very idea that I could not refer to my own work without permission, that is a deal-breaker. I mean, Ack.
HI Will! That’s a deal-breaker for a lot of people and completely understandable. I am fortunate to be working with a publisher who is very lenient in terms of allowing me to assertively market my work in terms of creating memes and such. Thanks for your feedback. ????
This is the best summary of indie vs. traditional I’ve ever read, Eldonna. Thanks for hosting this Anne!
Garry thank you for reading and for your positive feedback. Anne and Ruth are such generous hosts.
Eldonna—Thanks for laying out the plusses and minuses of both publishing routes. I’ve been TradPubbed (Random House, St. Martin’s Press, Simon & Schuster) but now go independent. Publishing contracts have become so onerous that, unless you’re Stephen King or Nora Roberts, you can’t meaningfully negotiate less restrictive conditions. On top of that, once-generous advances have become pitiful. So for me, a no-go.
Definitely, non-fiction is a much easier sell than fiction for the reasons you cite. Sounds like you might have the best of both worlds! Good luck!
Thank you Ruth. It kind of feels that way. I feel very fortunate.
A great post! Just one thing puzzles me. I’m with a big Canadian traditional publisher, and they have no problem with me reselling the books I buy at my author-rate. I sell them for retail cost. I do a lot of library appearances, and sell there. Is this an American thing, I wonder? (the restriction on selling.)
Hi Melodie. I’m not sure if this is mostly an American restriction. Ruth or Anne might have the answer to that. Thanks for reading! I’m in MI (on a book tour) but I’ll look into this more when I return home. 🙂
i agree with much of this, but I have to disagree at least to some extent on a couple of points.
“3) You don’t know Jack…or Jill, or Julie or John for that matter.”
You probably do if you have been publishing for a while. A large fraction of the people who work for traditional publishers also work for indies. All of my book covers, for example, have been done by designers who also design for large publishers. And if you don’t know them, there are other indies out there who do and who are more than happy to point you in their direction. And no, there is no problem in getting “doors flung open” to take your money for covers or editing, not if your writing is on a professional level.
The other place I have some problems is:
Yes, large publishers do have PR people who have conduits to publicity but they RARELY use them for mid-listers which most of us are or if we are new, not even a mid-lister yet. So if we are holding our breath for that publicity, we’ll turn blue and faint before it happens.
Both have pros and cons though and most of her points are pretty well taken. I prefer self-publishing because I am a total control freak and because I see no reason why a publisher should have my money in their pocket for six months to a year before I am paid. But that’s me. I don’t mind doing the publicity and finding the sub-contractors. I even enjoy the challenge, but it isn’t necessarily for the faint of heart.
Hi JR. I agree that professional book designers are available to indies but those designers cost money–good money–and my experience has shown me that many self-published authors scrimp on this one. I think your point about being in control of absolutely everything is the heaviest aspect that tip many writers toward self-publishing or hybrid-publishing. Thanks so much for your input!
Oh, absolutely good covers cost money, as do good editors and proofreaders. I just meant to point out that you can hire pros. They do have this unreasonable desire to be paid. ????
Thanks, though, for touching on pros and cons of both.
GREAT post. Very helpful to see the pros and cons of both. I want that agent and publishing house and the reasons are validated by what you’ve written. Going it pretty much alone takes a lot of time and money. Thank you.
Thank you Patricia. Wishing you all the best in turning those dreams into reachable goals.
I’m indie. I want to write full time, and frankly, that can’t happen in the current traditional publishing industry. Even long-term best selling writers are seeing a down-turn in what they are paid for. Many publishers also discourage writers from producing more than one work a year. Add to that the rights-grab which is only beneficial to the publisher…
And I’m DIY on a shoestring. My biggest expense is copy editing. Everything else I do myself.
Hi Lynda Mae! A lot of folks are able to pave a successful indie path and I’m happy it’s working out well for you. I doubt I’d ever be able to produce a well-written book in a year’s time so trad publishing fits my timeline. We’re fortunate to live during a time when self and hybrid publishing is so accessible. Thanks for your input and good luck with your writing projects!
Hey Eldonna & Anne — great stuff. Muchas gracias.
Thank you my friend. 🙂
Very informative, thank you! I wrote and illustrated a children’s book and was wondering how different the experince would be
Children’s book publishing is a whole ‘nother ball of wax. Good luck with your projects Isabelle!
Thanks so much! This is a very informative and helpful piece.
I wonder about the publicity and marketing help from traditional publishers. I’ve heard there’s not much for new authors. The impression I get is that authors have to do their own unless they’re among the “big names”.
I wish you lots of luck with “Lost in Transplantation”. I know someone who did the same amazingly generous and courageous thing by offering a kidney to a young man in perilous health. The donor said that her gift helped give meaning to her life by saving his. So deeply inspiring, just like your own donor gift! And it’s heart-warming to read stories like these (especially in this day and age).
Thanks also for sharing info about your new novel. I’ve just checked it out. What a wonderful premise! I’ll be reading it for sure.
All the best!
Hi Irene, It’s absolutely true that authors must do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to marketing and publicity. My team at Kensington does quite a bit of advertising and social media but it’s up to me to take the ball and run with it.
Donating an organ definitely gives one a sense of deeper meaning and greater purpose. I can’t tell you how often I hear from other living donors that they wish they could grow another kidney to give away.
Thank you for your kind words about THIS I KNOW. I’d love your feedback if and when you decide to read it. 🙂
The 5 reasons to consider a traditional publisher are ones some writers just don’t stop and consider before jumping off into self-publishing. They want control but they don’t realize the importance of credibility, connections, and the funds to do it all.
I couldn’t agree more! Trad publishing is more accessible than one might think if your book is well edited and meets the publisher’s needs.
I too began as an indie author and now I’m seeking traditional publishing–for many of the reasons you’ve outlined. Wishing you much success.
Hi Leanne, Your experience as an indie will serve you well on your search for a trad pub. Best wishes and thank you for yours!
Wonderful breakdown of the advantages and challenges of each path. I’m a happy indie author, with four novels out, with a few due out next month. I like the freedom and being in charge of my publishing endeavors. It certainly isn’t for everyone. There is certainly a learning curve. I spent 2016 writing the first two novels in my series, as well as learning the ropes of marketing, building a mailing list, and networking with other indies. I launched Book 1 of my series at the end of January, 2017. So, by later next month, I’ll have five (shorter) novels published, of which four are in a series and the other is a Kindle Worlds novel set in another author’s universe.
Congratulations on your release, Dale. Wishing you much success with your publishing endeavors!
Meant to add that my pace is fairly fast for traditional publishing, but actually slower for indie pub. I know authors publishing a fantasy novel a month. My goal is to produce four novels a year (I’ve been averaging two a year): so speed is definitely a consideration, and can, if not managed, lead to stress and burnout. Thanks again for writing such a great post–it’s one I’ll point aspiring authors to.
It’s difficult for me to imagine writing, revising, editing and having a publishable novel ready in a month. I need at least 12-18 months to perfect a book and even then I always want one more go at it. haha. I’m more of a “journey” than a “destination” writer. 😉
What a balanced and insightful article, Eldonna.
I prefer traditional because of the credibility and because I want to be commercial rather than niche.
Science fiction is not the most popular genre. Hence I need as much help as I can get.
I would have argued certain genres may benefit more from self-publishing due to their quirkiness.
By the way, thanks for raising awareness about the importance of becoming an organ donor.
Your point about some genres being a better fit for self-publishing is a good one. Thanks so much for your kind words and thoughtful feedback. Best wishes on your writing!
For me the choice is between having deadlines and being free of external pressure. I have enough stress in my life as it is without a publisher making me churn out books. Plus I like the idea of running my own business.
Hi Andy! I think those are the two main reasons some writers choose to self-pub. Best wishes and much success on your forthcoming novel!
Excellent post presenting the pros and cons of the trad route to publishing vs. the indie one. For me, the central point is this, as you put it so well: “The biggest reason [for choosing trad publishing] is that with a publisher’s team working in the background, I have more time to write the next book.”
Definitely. Promoting one’s own title on one’s own, no matter how big the following on Facebook and Twitter, can be a huge time sink. I know. I almost stopped writing because of it. And then I stopped marketing in order to write again, and my sales tanked. Now down to zero (or thereabout). Not amusing.
Thanks for sharing. I think this is a post that will help a lot of newbie decide. And reading the comments also help, highly recommended!
I couldn’t agree more, Claude. I tell new writers to finish FIVE books before they publish the first one because they’ll lose their writing time to marketing once the first book is released. Thanks so much for you kind feedback and best wishes on all your writing endeavors!
Eldonna, thank you. I sort of knew most of this since I’m well acquainted with an author who has published two six-book fantasy series and a hybrid author, but having the pros and cons delineated so clearly is a big help. I work full time and have extra home duties, and shallow pockets, so I’ve elected to have my four novels (so far) published by small indie publishers…since I couldn’t find an agent willing to represent me to a major house (though I’m trying that route again with a fifth novel).
One advantage of the big-time publisher is getting your book into the brick and mortar stores. Self pubs and small indie pubs offer only POD copies, and the b&m stores won’t buy those because they can’t return unsold copies.
Hi Fred, Thank you for your thoughtful feedback. The lack of shelf space in brick and mortar stores was a big motivator for me as well. Wishing you all the best on your publishing endeavors!
I am now consistently seeing better editing in self-published work than I am in traditionally published books. I don’t know know what’s going on over there in the trads, but they’ve taken their eye off the only ball they had left, which was perceived quality. Also, I know both traditionally published authors and self-published authors, and from where I sit, they each appear to be doing exactly the same amount of marketing and self-promotion work. I think that idea that having a publisher gives you more time to write is a myth (at least for mid-listers or below).
One other point that you didn’t get into, but has become clear from the studies done for the Author Earnings Reports, is that self-publishing actually pays a whole lot better. One might think that the higher volume that trads can move would make up for everyone and their brother taking a cut of the pie, but in fact, it doesn’t. Traditional publishing means more readers, but less money.
Joshua–I’m going to jump in here because I probably know more about the indie publishing world than Eldonna, even though I’m with a small publisher. But I pay a lot of attention to the indie author news, and I do recommend self-publishing for a lot of genre fiction.
Unfortunately, the Author Earnings report is looking highly suspect to a lot of journalists. SOME indie authors make a bundle, but they’re mostly not actually self-publishers. They’re with Amazon imprints, which are really trad publishing. Others who are making big money in KU are scammers and book stuffers. Here’s more about the Data Guy’s less than accurate data.
That’s not to say that trad pubbed mid-listers are doing all that well. Advances are shrinking and royalties often evaporate. And as we just heard last week, even superstar authors are getting ripped off by their agents, so nothing is safe.
If you write romance or adult mysteries and thrillers, you’re probably better off self-publishing. But if you write literary or “book club” fiction, or YA, self-publishing can be a real struggle, which is why I invited Eldonna to share her “book club” women’s fiction story.
Anne, thank you so much for offering such valuable insight, knowledge, and experience in the trials and tribulations of publishing. It is an enormous help in trying to sort out all the options.
With gratitude,
Irene–It’s great to know you appreciate the information that Eldonna, Ruth, and I can bring to the subject. We all have a lot of experience, but we also have to keep an eye out for what’s happening now, since the publishing world is changing so rapidly.