by Joseph Perry Congratulations! You’ve received an offer of representation. The next stop is the bestseller list. But before you start planning your book tour, you should take a few minutes to review your literary agent agreement (or lack thereof) Oral Agreements Some literary agencies do not have written contracts. They work with a verbal […]
Publishing Scammers to Watch Out for in 2021
Publishing scammers prey on newbies and seasoned pros alike by Anne R. Allen 2020 was a terrible year in so many ways. But one group seems to have thrived: the scammer community. Publishing scammers are everywhere now. I hear about new ones every week, each more heartbreaking than the one before. And more outrageous. Phishing […]
8 Reasons Why Your Manuscript May be Getting Rejections
Rejections hurt. And all writers get them. But you can reduce the number. by Anne R. Allen I’ve been perusing some agent sites recently to see if their advice has changed since I was on the query-go-round a couple of decades ago. But things seem to have remained much the same. The top reasons for […]
PUBLISHING PREDICTIONS for 2017 from Agent Laurie McLean
Looking into my Crystal Ball by Fuse Literary Agency Co-Founder Laurie McLean Wow. 2016 sucked. In so many ways. I was never happier to kick a year to the curb than 2016. From David Bowie in January to Carrie Fisher in December, it seemed that each week brought a fresh tragedy to our lives. […]
Literary Agents: An Endangered Species?
by Anne R. Allen Publishing keeps zooming into the future: This week, J.K. Rowling announced she’s self-publishing the Harry Potter ebooks, and as one agent tweeted “why [does] she need a publisher anymore? I predict Pottermore becomes her sole publisher.” On the same day, Publishers Lunch announced yet another agent, Sarah Dickman, is leaving agenting […]