Twitter is important for authors, but not for direct sales.
by Rachel Thompson (@BadRedheadMedia)
Twitter is a terrible selling channel…
…if your goal is to spam your book links and hope for the best.
Most writers write their book and then realize, oh hey, there are millions of potential readers just waiting to buy my book. I’m going to tell them all about my book by repeatedly sharing my link with them! They’re all going to buy my book and I’ll be rich!
Sorry, doesn’t work that way, writer friends.
If you’ve spent any time on Twitter spamming book links to random people who don’t know you, you’ve likely figured this out already.
Even for people who are really great at using Twitter, the organic (non-paid) conversion rate is…0.22%. Yep, that’s right. Less than 1%.
So…why bother?
Twitter is a wonderful way to connect with readers, book bloggers, and book reviewers if you are connecting with them strategically. Many writers are completely flummoxed how to do that.
Ask yourself these questions:
- How can you add value to your readers?
- How can you be visible without constantly spamming your book link?
- How can you connect with readers and influencers who will embrace your work?
I love Twitter because it’s the best way I know to connect with readers quickly and without having to write novels (hello, Facebook) to connect. My goal here is to help you change your paradigm from selling to connecting. For those of you who believe Twitter is too new (it’s been around now over ten years) or too difficult (they’ve made significant changes, so read on), it’s time to get over yourself.
Readers love Twitter. You need readers. Ergo, be on Twitter.
Today I’m going to run down the top Do’s and Don’ts of Twitter for writers. You certainly do not have to follow my advice — do whatever you feel is best for you. I can only share that, as a long-time Twitter user (almost ten years), instructor, consultant, author and book marketer, these are standard, accepted, industry practices that work.
Here we go (in no particular order):
Twitter Guide Do’s:
- DO add your website and book link to your bio. You have 160 characters (that includes spaces). Add the link to your book there also. Tip: You can add more than one link in your bio. See my bio example >>>>>>
- DO utilize the new option to lengthen your display name (and you can even add hashtags or emojis). You now have up to 50 spaces. (This does not refer to your @handle. I do not recommend changing your handle unless your account is new and you don’t have a lot of followers yet.)
- DO pin a tweet to your book or website to make it easy for people to connect with you. This is Prime real estate. Use it!
- DO have a hi-resolution header (aka, banner) at the top of your profile. Same with your avatar. Faces work best. People like to see eyes.
- If you’re writing under a pen name, buy a photo that represents you. Use a face.
- DO add your book cover in the header, not as your avatar. (See mine by visiting @RachelintheOC or @BadRedheadMedia).
- DO provide consistent tweets around the topics you discuss. This is your personal branding. Articles, quotes, RTs. (I don’t mean tweeting only your own stuff.)
- Do share occasional info on your own books; The 80/20 Rule, or 30/40/30 — whichever formula works for you.
- DO participate in memes (e.g., #MondayBlogs, #WednesdayWisdom, etc.), hashtags, trending topics, Twitter chats, etc. Just don’t make it all about you. Listen, learn, participate.
- DO share generously and without expectation. Retweet (RT) often.
- DO interact often with people, comment on tweets and articles. Be smart, funny (if that fits your personality), positive, well-read (you are a writer).
- DO read bios and timelines and articles before commenting
- DO ask questions. Twitter is an excellent listening channel. People love giving their opinion.
- DO create visuals (Canva Pablo by Buffer, PromoRepublic) and share quotes (yours and others). Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than tweets without images. (Source: Buffer, via Hubspot)
- DO use Twitter Lists to manage followers. Public and private options.
- DO activate and USE Twitter Analytics.
- DO use the assigned hashtag when participating in Twitter chats so all participants see your tweets and replies (I recommend using free or Some people prefer Tweetdeck. Whatever works for you.)
- DO schedule and space out your tweets — I use Hootsuite, Buffer, and PromoRepublic. All have free options.
- DO create Moments featuring interesting conversations between you and others.
- Do create Threads (a new option as of December 2017). This is available by clicking the + option in the compose box. Threads on your profile timeline will appear as separate Tweets. Each Tweet that is a part of your thread will have an option to Show this thread to view the thread in its entirety if people choose to click on it. As always, be strategic with your use of threads, and avoid being overly self-promotional.
- DO follow people strategically, using an affordable tool like ManageFlitter, where you can put a keyword term in Search (or use Twitter’s Advanced Search tool instead, which takes longer yet is still effective).
- Focus on readers, book bloggers, book reviewers, and other influencers (e.g., publishers, agents, etc.). Connect with writers but not ONLY writers.
- DO use Twitter’s Help Section if you’re not sure about how something works. It’s quite robust.
- DO research Twitter ads (aka, sponsored tweets) if you want to boost a particular tweet and check out the new $99/month Promote Mode which automatically highlights and promotes your most popular tweets for you. Read more here.
- DO brand yourself, not your book. Talk about something besides your book, your book, your book. Aren’t you a person? Then act like one.
- DO use hashtags correctly. Check to see how it’s being used before participating. Many hashtags already have a history and you could be stepping on someone’s toes by using it incorrectly, e.g., people use chat hashtags to promote their books or personal ideology. Don’t do that.
- DO be gracious if someone corrects you if/when you make a mistake. When you are defensive or combative, you look immature. It’s okay to be wrong and to learn how to do things right. Be thankful someone took the time to show you the ropes.
- DO remember that tweets are public, Google indexes tweets, and so does the Library of Congress. Even if you delete a tweet, it’s still there in perpetuity.
- DO take advantage of the 280 spaces option IF you can be strategic (create a list, use two links if they are thematically similar, share a longer quote with attribution). Otherwise, shorter is still better. Don’t ramble just because you can.
Twitter Guide Don’ts:
- DON’T reply to tweets with your blog URL (hopefully, it’s already in your bio, pinned tweet, and header). It’s self-serving and a total newbie move.
- DON’T thank people for following by spamming them with an AutoDM asking them to buy your book. Stop already.
- DON’T DM (direct message) people with your book link. Everyone is not your customer (thank you, Seth Godin) and besides, it’s rude. In addition, it violates Twitter’s TOS (Terms of Service): We all agree not to “Spam or bother users, or otherwise send them unsolicited messages.” I personally don’t want to risk having my account suspended or worse, banned — which Twitter is FINALLY FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY, doing. New updates are in place regarding spamming rules.
- DON’T thank people for the follow by telling them where else on social media they can find you. We’re on Twitter, not Facebook, Instagram, or Snap. Put those handles in your header if it’s that important to you to connect with people elsewhere.
- DON’T come to Twitter chats and talk about yourself and your books and how awesome you are. That’s your ego talking and everyone sees that.
- DON’T come into a chat and ask, ‘What’s the topic?’ Read the host’s timeline first. Every host posts it throughout the day. Besides, hosts are busy hosting.
- DON’T ask a writer what they write. It’s almost always in their bio or header or link. Take three seconds and look at their bio. Read bios!
- DON’T tag people with your latest blog post unless you’ve quoted them in the post. This is spammy and they will mute or block you.
- DON’T tag people with your book promotion (unless they are explicitly part of it) because ugh. Just stop.
- DON’T ask random people to read your book and review it. Why do you do that? Are they even your demographic? Be smarter.
- DON’T put a link in every tweet. This is against Twitter’s TOS (terms of service) “if your updates consist mainly of links and not personal updates” you are violating the ‘Twitter Rules’ regarding spam. More here.
- DON’T be rude and then write LOL at the end. It’s passive/aggressive and people will block you.
- DON’T quote someone without giving attribution. Again, against the TOS and also, just a really sh*tty thing to do. The original author (or author’s estate) can also sue you.
- DON’T ask someone why they followed you. Be grateful (unless ya know, someone is weird; then mute or block them).
- DON’T have one of those automated ‘4 people followed me, 6 people unfollowed me’ tweet thingies go out. Nobody cares but you, to be completely honest. And the ones that say ‘@RachelintheOC unfollowed me’ which tags the person who unfollowed you? Passive/aggressive. People are under no obligation to follow or unfollow.
- DON’T ever bully a book blogger or reviewer, or ask your writer friends to ‘jump in’ to bully them (especially for a bad review). Once your book is out there, you’re no longer invited to the party. Grow up.
- DON’T feel obligated to interact with anyone, ever. If you’re uncomfortable, mute, unfollow, or block. Report if necessary. That is your right.
- DON’T automate every tweet. Interact live with people. Some automation is convenient (e.g., schedule in tweets for #MondayBlogs). Then go in and RT people, respond to their posts, ask questions.
- DON’T complain that Twitter is all spam. That’s on you — if you only follow other writers who are spamming their books link and haven’t read this post because you haven’t shared it with them yet :), stop following only other writers.
- DON’T jump on a hashtag because it seems popular, simply to self-promote. Again, newbie move and completely self-serving. True, nobody owns a hashtag, however, people do register hashtags (yes, it’s a real thing) to create Twitter movements, for branding purposes, and for chats specifically dedicated to a topic (typically the same hour each week, e.g., my #BookMarketingChat is every Wednesday, 6pm pst/9pm est). Research, respect, and understand what you’re jumping into.
- DON’T be a troll. Twitter is enacting new policies with regard to ‘dehumanizing’ language and will be suspending accounts those use that types of language. Read more here.
Twitter is Just One Spoke of the Wheel
Remember, Twitter is one tiny spoke of the big author platform bicycle. It’s a great one, but it’s not the only one. If you are spending all your time and effort there, you are missing out on readers who are not there.
I find most writers spend their time on Facebook because it’s easiest for them, which is great if that’s where your readers are. Keep in mind: Facebook doesn’t allow authors to sell on our personal (‘friend’) accounts – we all agreed to that when we signed up (look it up). So, you must have a Facebook Author Page to sell your book.
Go where your readers are, not where you are most comfortable.
Here’s a terrific article from Entrepreneur: 5 Things This Self-Published Author Did to Sell Over 20,000 Books with Almost No Money. Nowhere in there does this author mention spamming links on Twitter as an effective selling tool.
Click on the links I’ve provided here to read more about what I’ve suggested above. Most of what I mentioned is free, except for the time it will take you to scan the articles and figure out a few new slick moves. Attend my weekly #BookMarketingChat (Wednesdays, 6pm pst/9pm est on @BadRedheadMedia or see previous chats on our public Facebook page in Notes) to learn more about how to market your book. I have many amazing guests and I also share what I’ve learned along the way.
None of this matters one iota if your books are terrible. Write great books. Learn how to market them. Do the work.
by Rachel Thompson (@BadRedHeadMedia) or (@RachelintheOC) October 14, 2018
What about you, scriveners? Are you doing the Twitter do’s and not doing the Twitter don’ts? I have to admit I was doing a lot of this wrong. Did you know about the “thread” option? What are some of your pet peeves on Twitter?
Who is BadRedhead Media?
Rachel Thompson graduated from California State University, Sacramento in 1986 with a degree in Communications Studies and a minor in Journalism, and went straight into…selling! After 17+ years in soul-sucking Big Pharma (sales, marketing, and training, now recovered, thank you), she started her blog, RachelintheOC . She embraced blogging and social media like a dog to a bone. Blogger, Facebook, Twitter — yea!
Utilizing her almost two decades of sales, marketing, and training, plus experiences in social media and publishing, she learned how to brand an author, what pre-release activities work prior to book launch, all about Amazon, and what it takes to make a book a #1 Bestseller. Her own books have all made it to #1: Broken Places, Broken Pieces, A Walk In The Snark, and The Mancode: Exposed, The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge and the newly released BadRedhead Media’s How To Best Optimize Blog Posts For SEO.
She currently writes social media articles for many outlets, such as Huffington Post (Books Section), Feminine Collective, IndieReader, BookMachine, BlueInk Review, The Verbs on Medium (for Pronoun Publishing),, and she is currently the Senior Director of Social Media Services for AuthorBytes.
For a more detailed plan on developing your book marketing, purchase Rachel’s new book!
The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge now on Amazon!
Readers’ Favorite Silver Award Winner!
THE LARRY BROWN SHORT STORY AWARD $10 FEE. 4000 word limit. First prize $300 USD and membership to Duotrope ($50 USD value); Second prize $50; Third prize $50. Prize winners will be published in the January issue of Pithead Chapel. Deadline October 31
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DISQUIET LITERARY PRIZES $15 ENTRY FEE. Fiction, Poetry, and Nonfiction categories. Up to 25 pages for prose 10 pages for poetry. The top fiction winner will be published on, the nonfiction winner in, and the poetry winner in The Common. The grand prize winner will receive a full scholarship including tuition, lodging, and a $1,000 travel stipend to Lisbon in 2019. Runners-up and other outstanding entrants will receive financial aid. Deadline January 10, 2019.
Don’t let those published short stories stop working! Here are 25 Literary Magazines that will take reprints.
This post originally appeared on in a different form.
Thanks, Rachel. Invaluable!
Thank you, Ruth! I hope writers find some helpful info RE: Twitter and how to use it effectively to connect with readers. xx
“None of this matters one iota if your books are terrible. Write great books. Learn how to market them. Do the work.”
Can a bad or mediocre book become a best seller? If a bad or mediocre book becomes a best seller should we learn to write bad books for the market, for children, for example?
“Can 35 Million Book Buyers Be Wrong? Yes.” by Harold Bloom:
Great writing is timeless because it is enduring for what it encompasses about life and death.
Hi Henry, thanks for sharing.
Twitter is wonderful. The best thing I did was pick the right group to be with. Everyone is involved with writing in some way. The connections have been excellent.
Thank you for this reminder.
That’s so great, Bryan! My only caution: it’s so easy to only connect with other writers on Twitter. Remember: readers are there, too!
Awesome article! Thank you!
Hi Kyrian!! So lovely to see you here. Thank you so much xx
Hi Rachel! You’re welcome! I tried to send you a message about my new Facebook personal page when I moved a while back, but it didn’t go through! Can I send a friend request?
As always, super easy to follow and so much more likely to engage people in a more natural way. Thanks, Rachel.
Hi, H.M. Thank you for the kind words. You’re really good at Twitter — authentic — which is what I love about you. x
Great article! I was an early twitter user – 2010, and sold a lot of books that way (thousands), and by not spamming. But in the last two years, my sales from twitter, and then my use of it, has really dropped off. I should get back out there, following your lists above.
Hi Melodie! I do find there are lots of ways to connect with readers on Twitter (chats, interactions, discussions) that have nothing to do with spamming links. I hope you find some of my ideas helpful. Thanks so much. R
Ha! Students of Twitter can always use a good tweetcher – thanks for being one.
LOL, thank you. Whether or not they’ll use these suggestions, who knows? Up to each student. 🙂
Great article, learned a lot – thank you!
I’ve been on Twitter for years and I’m still trying to get the hang of it, so I see there are a number of things I need to keep working on (thankfully I haven’t been doing the Twitter don’ts). Thanks so much for this Rachel, it’s much appreciated.
So welcome, Debbie. If there’s one thing we can count on with Twitter (or any social media channel), it’s that it will keep changing. Good luck!
There’s so much more I can be doing – that’s for such a detailed list. I did figure out pinned tweets and hashtags.
Great! I love having the pinned tweet option – change it out as you see fit. And hashtags are wonderful for visibility in Search (and convenient for us to find trends as well).
I didn’t know there were “@someone unfollowed me’ programs out there! How rude!
Ooo, and add Twitter cards to your blogs, so if someone happens to tweet your post it make a nice card, which is more enticing to click. 😉
Yes, excellent! I have my website admins do that ‘stuff’ for me lol. For other sites who don’t have the cards activated, it’s kind of a bummer. Visuals always do better. Thanks for mentioning it, H.R.
Hello Rachel, Anne and Ruth,
Thank you for this very detailed and helpful do’s and don’ts. I was surprised with, “DON’T put a link in every tweet.” I should have read the Twitter TOS better. I will be sharing this!
Hi Sigrid – so happy to be helpful. Writers are often lost as to what to tweet about. When in doubt, simply share what interests you, ask questions, share quotes, a visual or GIF, do a poll – the options are not endless but can be fun alternatives to all links. Good luck!
Fabulous list Rachel! I’ll be including this excellent post in my next edition of Writer’s Tips. Thanks Anne. 🙂
Thank you so much, DG! Thrilled to guest for Anne and appreciate the inclusion in your Writer’s Tips xx
My pleasure. Twitter is a whole course in itself so it’s nice to get a great lowdown to make better use of it. 🙂 <3
Hi guys! Loved this post. I’m terrible at Twitter, this has given me lots of positive ideas. Thanks!
Hi M.L.! Happy to give you ideas – there are lots of fun ways to interact on Twitter. Like any social media, you get out of it what you put into it. Enjoy!
Rachel, this is a great post – love the don’ts! (The tone AND the content.) My Twitter philosophy is basically the same…the operative word in social media is SOCIAL. And reciprocity rocks! That is, do first for others (an RT, or recommend someone’s book––if you’ve read it––or anything that would be appreciated) before ever asking for anything. Awesome post, thank you.
Thanks, Katie! Yes, it’s all about being generous, IMHO. Twitter is such a microcosm of real life: if you’re selfish in life, you’re selfish on Twitter. There’s really no hiding it. People spot fakers and posers immediately. Authenticity rocks. x
There’s no hiding…. Ooooh—weeee–ooooh!
Wow. You have packed a lot of wisdom and humor in your post. As a casual Tweeter, I appreciate that there is more I can do to make the experience better for myself and others. Thanks!
Rachel–Thanks for writing this super-informative post for us. I learned a lot. I have finally updated my Twitter profile! Thanks for being such a great guest!
That’s an amazing list of “DO’s”, thanks Anne! So many marketers on Twitter just don’t *get* it
Daniel–We’re so grateful to Rachel for this informative post. I learned a lot myself. And you’re so right that an awful lot of marketers totally misuse Twitter!